7Park's Changes Since Vista Purchase: Sales Quotas, C-Suite Reorg - Business Insider
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PE shop Vista Equity Partners paid $100 million for 7Park to get in on the alt-data craze. Insiders describe the management turnover, amped up sales pressure, and change in strategy that followed.

Alternative data
Alternative-data use is exploding, and so are worries about a regulatory crackdown. Shayanne Gal/Business Insider
  • Vista Equity Partners paid nearly $100 million to buy the alternative-data company 7Park Data at the end of 2018. Since the acquisition, the firm has added to the sales team as it attempts to pivot away from selling the reports that the company was founded on.
  • Sources told Business Insider that 7Park added a "customer-success" team after the acquisition that focused on selling machine-learning software for raw data instead of reports made by the firm's research team.
  • The alternative-data company has churned through senior leadership since the acquisition, losing Chief Operating Officer Jim Sharpe, HR head Cori Weintraub, and data-science lead Ankur Patel in 2019.
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Alternative data's breakout year in 2018 brought interest from deep-pocketed investors hoping to cash in on the gold rush. But with new funding comes high expectations — particularly in the ultracompetitive and increasingly crowded world of alternative data.

The alternative-data seller 7Park Data, which was founded in 2012, can attest to that. Business Insider has learned that the New York company has seen executive shake-ups and a big pivot after its acquisition by Vista Equity Partners in December 2018.

The startup built its brand collecting raw unstructured datasets, such as credit-card-transaction data, and developing insights and research investors could use in their strategies. However, with the new ownership also came plans to expand beyond its roots as it looked to position itself as more of a software-as-a-service provider, helping clients better manage and analyze their own data with artificial-intelligence-based products.  

The transition comes as sellers of alternative data are considering ways to expand or alter their business to stay ahead of the curve to avoid falling behind.  


Former employees and industry sources paint a picture of a high-pressure environment after the change in ownership, where new hires had a short runway to succeed and veterans were given quotas far beyond their best previous performances. 

Spokespeople for 7Park Data and Vista Equity Partners declined to comment. 

Sources said the firm was bought by Vista for nearly $100 million when it had about $15 million in recurring annual revenue. A presentation created by bankers from Raymond James on the company in fall 2017 included a table that found the "near-term data pipeline" had the potential to be worth between $52 million and $64 million in annual recurring revenue.

The presentation also said 92% of its revenue was from hedge funds like Coatue, Citadel, Tiger, and Balyasny — a challenge for sales staff, a former employee said, because funds can cut ties at a moment's notice. 


There has been a lot of turnover in the sales team, according to multiple sources. Throughout 2019, the business-development team was a revolving door, with at least five employees departing the team of about 12 people. Staff exits last year overall were on par with 2018.

Jim Sharpe, who joined 7Park Data as chief operating officer in June, left the firm less than six months into his role and doesn't even list the firm on his LinkedIn profile. Cori Weintraub, 7Park's vice president of human resources, is also no longer with the firm. 

The data-science team wasn't immune to the disruptive force of a new owner. Ankur Patel, the vice president of data science, left the firm at the end of 2019 after a little more than a year. Patel is now working with a friend on an artificial-intelligence consultancy and in the process of raising money for another startup. 

Sharpe and Weintraub did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Patel declined to comment.


To be sure, key members of 7Park's management team have remained, as have founders Brian Lichtenberger and Alex Nephew, who serve as CEO and president, respectively. Eric Christianson, 7Park's chief financial officer, and Nick DeSalvo, the vice president of sales, have both been with the company since 2014. Rishit Shah, the chief product officer, joined in 2016. 

A press release on a new product led by Sharpe, an alt-data marketplace called Discover, quoted the then-chief operating officer as saying he's "had multiple opportunities to build teams that drive growth from early stage to growth phase and beyond."

"I'm excited to bring that experience to bear as 7Park Data enters a new era, fueled by their partnership with Vista Equity Partners and the immense appetite for analytics-ready data to drive better business decisions." 

Vista's track record

Sources who either spent time at 7Park or have worked with it point to its acquisition by Vista Equity Partners as a turning point for the alternative-data company. A veteran of the private-equity space, Vista, which was established in 2000, has more than $52 billion of investments in software, data, and tech companies. 


In that time, the company has had its fair share of big wins. In September 2018, it sold Marketo to Adobe for $4.75 billion, netting over a $3 billion profit in just two years. 

Vista's first foray into the world of alternative data was 7Park Data, and it came at a time when the industry was peaking, leading mainstream players to take notice of the business of selling nontraditional data.

A week before Vista's announcement, Nasdaq acquired the alternative-data company Quandl. A few months later, data giant Bloomberg threw its hat into the ring as well, launching an alternative-data marketplace. Its fellow traditional-data provider FactSet built out its own offering in 2018. 

The rise in value of unique unstructured datasets such as satellite images or web traffic came as Wall Street's appetite for all forms of data was growing. Previously of interest only to the most quantitative hedge funds, by late 2018, even fundamental firms were considering how incorporate alternative data into their strategies. 


As a result, Lichtenberger and Nephew cashed in on the gold rush. The $100 million deal was the culmination of incredible growth for 7Park, which had raised a $6 million Series B funding round in May 2017 at a valuation of about $41 million, according to PitchBook

However, from the moment the deal was finalized, there was a noticeable shift in how the company operated. Employees were given quotas as much as double their best previous year, according to a former employee.

Alt data's tough 2019

Higher expectations were coupled with a change in focus for the sales team in 2019, sources said, which had to begin selling software services and tools, while de-emphasizing the research reports that many had made their initial relationships on.

Several sellers of alt data had a tough 2019. Success has proved fleeting, especially as the market has become increasingly crowded. In September, Business Insider reported major departures, including the CEO of the alt-data company Thasos.


Even the most veteran players have not been immune. Jefferies-owned M Science, one of the earliest sellers of alt data, faced major overhauls of its own and cut data-science jobs in December

At the end of 2018, right before the sale to Vista, sources said the firm had roughly 130 financial-services clients, which made up roughly 90% of the firm's revenue, all of which paid for the reports generated by the research team. Clients included hedge funds like Tiger Management, Citadel, Coatue, and Balyasny, sources said.

But in the new year, the focus, a source said, was to de-prioritize research and focus on software. The new "customer-success" team, led by Rebecca Gordon, focused on selling software like machine-learning tools, one person said, and helping Vista's other portfolio companies manage their data. 

By the end of 2019, it had 130 customers in financial services, approximately the number it had to start the year with and about 7% less than 2017. 

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