AI Will Make Your Job More Interesting, Google AI Exec Says - Business Insider
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Bored at work? AI won't take your job, it will just make it more interesting, Google exec says

Phil Moyer
Philip Moyer, the global vice president of Google Cloud's artificial-intelligence business, said that generative AI will cut out tedious administrative work. Shai Dolev/Google
  • Google Cloud's Philip Moyer told Insider that generative AI will boost job satisfaction.
  • He said AI tools are cutting out tedious work and that workers are now "waiting for it to show up."
  • Some fear AI could lead to job losses, with Goldman Sachs saying it could impact 300 million jobs.

AI could help workers enjoy their jobs more by cutting out mundane and boring tasks, a Google executive said.

Philip Moyer, the vice president of Google Cloud's global AI business, told Insider that rather than taking workers' jobs, generative-AI tools such as ChatGPT and Bard will likely boost job satisfaction and help employees be more productive.

"I think satisfaction and proficiency is where AI is actually going to have the most profound impact," he said in a recent conversation.

"If you look at people's job satisfaction when using generated AI, the studies that are coming out of companies that are trying it, almost 80 to 90% of people are consistently saying yes, this has made my job better," he added.


Some have raised fears that generative AI could lead to widespread job losses, with Goldman Sachs predicting that AI systems such as ChatGPT could impact up to 300 million full-time jobs worldwide.

However, some experts have suggested that the new technology could cut out time-consuming administrative work, with a recent study from the National Bureau of Economic Research finding that generative AI boosted productivity and improved employee morale.

"Most of what AI does, at least in its current form, are things that we don't necessarily like to do," Oded Netzer, a professor of business at Columbia University, told Insider.

He compared generative-AI tools to "auto-complete on steroids" that will complete mundane tasks such as writing emails and filling out spreadsheets, and said AI could have an especially big impact in work environments with low levels of job retention, such as call centers.


While he acknowledged that some roles would become lost as part of the transition, he said that an AI-powered productivity boost will likely mean widespread job losses will not come to pass.

"This is going to increase productivity, so we are likely to see more jobs, not fewer jobs," Netzer said. "When was the last time you've seen a company that says, 'Oh, we are doing so much better; let's hire fewer people?'"

Netzer compared AI to the introduction of ATMs to the banking industry. While this change meant that manual bank-teller jobs largely vanished, it also became cheaper to open a branch, and demand for branches increased, which created tons of new jobs.

Moyer told Insider that generative AI would transform industries such as finance, invoicing, and medicine that require large amounts of administrative work, and said that it was inevitable that companies would adopt the technology because employees are now "waiting for AI to show up."


"I don't know a single person that if you offered to take out 20% of their work, they wouldn't be happy," he said. "Quite frankly, I don't see organizations going, 'Well, we're just not going to do anything with this anymore.'"

Google has launched a huge range of new AI products this year as it scrambles to catch up with rivals such as OpenAI and Microsoft.

But it has faced questions over the accuracy of generative-AI tools such as its Bard chatbot, which like its rival, ChatGPT, is prone to "hallucinating" wildly false information.

Google plans to launch a new AI model, Gemini, in the coming months, which reportedly has advanced "multimodal" capabilities that rival OpenAI's flagship GPT-4 model.


Moyer told Insider that Google's future models would see some "great breakthroughs" in "really hard multimodal problems," enabling them to interpret multiple types of data at once.

But for now, he said that generative AI was in its "management" stage as tech companies try to root out accuracy issues and bring down the enormous cost of running models.

"I tell people that the next roughly three years or so of the industry is going to be about getting models accurate, getting models lower cost, and getting companies and organizations on board," he said.

"So this is going to be a management era, and then I expect as you look over the horizon, that's where you'll start to get into reasoning and the really advanced problems in this multimodal era," he added.

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