Aylin Woodward - Business Insider

Aylin Woodward was formerly a senior science reporter at Insider, where she covered climate change, earth science, anthropology and human evolution, and space

She also covered the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on coronavirus variants, genetic sequencing, virus origins, and long-term immunity.  

Before joining Insider, her work appeared regularly in New Scientist and the San Jose Mercury News, with bylines in Scientific American, Science, and BuzzFeed News. She is a proud alumna of the UC Santa Cruz Science Communication program, and graduated in 2015 from Dartmouth College with degrees in biological anthropology and government.

Aylin speaks Turkish, French, and Spanish. When not frantically meeting deadlines or interviewing sources, she can be found on the nearest roller derby track, or surfing the nearest beach.

Additional Expertise

Aylin also wrote about natural disasters, mass extinctions, and weird animal phenomena. She is well versed in archaeology, dinosaurs, and enjoys penning the occasional Hollywood science fiction debunk

Her reporting also extended to the realm of running shoe technology, with a focus on the role of controversial Nike Vaporfly shoes in major marathon wins and milestones. She uncovered a trend among non-Nike sponsored runners covertly using Vaporflys

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