An Early Retiree Made 3 Money Moves to Achieve Financial Independence - Business Insider
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An early retiree shares 3 money moves he made to save seven figures, quit work at 48, and still live comfortably: 'You don't have to live on ramen'

eric cooper
Eric Cooper retired in his late 40s. Eric Cooper
  • Eric Cooper achieved financial independence by consistently contributing to his 401(k).
  • He also invested in real estate and owns four long-term rental properties.
  • He believes that saving enough to retire early doesn't have to mean scrimping.  

For most of his career, Eric Cooper wasn't pursuing early retirement or financial independence.

"I didn't even know about early retirement or the FI community until about two years before I retired," the Louisville-based 50-year-old, who left his corporate communications job in January 2022, told Business Insider.

He said his starting salary out of college was $19,000 in 1996. Over the next 25 years, he worked his way up to earning six figures.

"I am not special. I literally did what I was told to do, which was invest in my 401(k) and try to max it out — and by doing that, I reached FI in my early 40s," said Cooper. "It's a matter of understanding the principles and applying them and being in the right place in your life to do so."


When he learned about the financial independence, retire early (FIRE) movement in 2019, he realized that he already had a big enough portfolio to stop working based on the 4% retirement-withdrawal rule. Still, Cooper says he wasn't comfortable walking away because he was "pretty cash-poor," having maxed out his 401(k) for decades.

He lowered his 401(k) allocation, upped his brokerage and savings account contributions, and took a part-time job as a bike technician. He used most of his part-time job earnings to pay off the mortgages on his four rental properties.

The last couple of years leading up to his resignation were the only ones during which he felt like he was grinding, he said: "I was working so much with my part-time job, my full-time job, and my rental properties. It wasn't awful, but I do feel like I was rushing, rushing, rushing, and now, looking back, it's like, what was the rush? But otherwise, I feel like I got to travel. I feel like I lived a pretty comfortable life."

He's living proof that achieving financial independence doesn't have to mean scrimping.


"You don't have to live on ramen," said Cooper. "You can spend on the things that are important to you and cut back on the rest."

Here are three money moves he made in his 20s and 30s to retire by 48 while still living comfortably.

1. He saved early and consistently

Thanks to advice from one of his first bosses, Cooper started investing in a 401(k) plan as soon as he had the opportunity.

He contributed what he could out of his $19,000 starting salary. When he switched jobs a couple of years later, in 1999, and nearly doubled his salary to $35,000, he was used to living so simply that he was able to max out his 401(k). The contribution limit in 1999 was $10,000.


Over the next two decades, he worked in corporate communications and continued to max out his employer-sponsored retirement plan. According to a copy of his retirement savings statement, he amassed a $2.4 million 401(k) balance over his 25-year career.

"The key is this: Start saving as early as possible, spend less than you earn, and invest the rest in low-cost index funds," said Cooper. "Let time and compound interest do the work."

2. He surrounded himself with like-minded individuals

As soon as Cooper discovered the FIRE community, he leaned in. He emailed Mr. Money Mustache, one of the movement's pioneers, for advice and attended the EconoMe Conference to meet other people pursuing financial independence. The conference is ultimately what gave him the confidence to submit his resignation letter.

"Community is critical when saving for FIRE," said Cooper, adding, "people will tell you you're crazy and it's impossible to retire in your 30s or 40s. Don't listen to them."

eric coper
Cooper takes a selfie with friends during a trip to Egypt in December 2023. Eric Cooper

Instead, find your local ChooseFI group, he advised: "There are ChooseFI groups that meet monthly in cities all across the US to discuss different aspects of personal finance. Meet people, share your story, and learn from them. Ask questions, find a mentor who's willing to hold your hand as you get started."

Cooper bounces ideas off of his FI community, including complex strategies like using Section 72(t) of the IRS code to make early retirement withdrawals without incurring a penalty.

But the group has evolved into more than just a resource, he said: "The people I've met through EconoMe conferences, Camp FI events, and other events held around the country throughout the year have become great friends. We travel together, help each other with financial questions that arise, and cheerlead for one another."

3. He diversified his revenue streams

In addition to investing in the stock market early on via his 401(k) plan, Cooper got into real estate early.


He said he bought a one-bedroom condo in the late 1990s for $32,500: "I wanted something that I could be in control of and actually start accruing a little bit of equity. I felt like I was throwing money away by renting."

About a year later, Cooper sold his first condo and used the profit to buy a two-bed condo. A few years later, he upgraded again but kept the two-bed as a rental. Over the next 15 years, Cooper gradually expanded his real-estate portfolio to four long-term rentals. BI verified his property ownership by looking at his tax bills.

"My net worth was really starting to take off with four rental properties and a nice paying job," he said.

Ultimately, he might not have felt secure enough to quit his day job without his real estate holdings.


"Even with my large 401(k) savings, I'm not sure that I would have felt comfortable retiring early had I not had those rental properties," said Cooper, who says he brings in about $65,000 in annual rent from the paid-off properties. "Even though I had run my numbers 100 times before retiring, I still had anxiety about leaving my job and my paycheck. So those rental properties buffered that a bit because they allowed me to have that income coming in still and some extra peace of mind."

Fire Saving
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