McKinsey: Employees Want to Feel Valued and a Sense of Belonging - Business Insider
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McKinsey knows why your employees are quitting — and it's not about the money

quitting a job
Employees are leaving their jobs because they feel undervalued, McKinsey found. Getty Images
  • Roughly 40% of workers may leave their jobs in the next six months, McKinsey research found.
  • Nearly two-thirds of those considering quitting said they'd do so without another job in hand.
  • Most workers said they were thinking about leaving because they didn't feel valued by their manager.

Roughly 15 million American workers have quit their jobs since April — and new research suggests we ain't seen nothing yet.

About 40% of workers are likely to leave their jobs in the next three to six months, and nearly two-thirds of those considering quitting said they'd do so without another job lined up, two global surveys from the consulting firm McKinsey & Company found. Employees in the leisure and hospitality industry were most likely to express intentions to leave their jobs, but many healthcare and white-collar knowledge workers also said they planned to quit.

As organizations across the board struggle with attrition, the research has important implications for how employers fight to retain workers. Employers disproportionately believe employees are quitting because they want to make more money. But while pay is a factor, most workers said they were thinking about leaving because they didn't feel valued by their manager or organization or they didn't feel like they belong.

That is a powerful indication of their dissatisfaction, said Aaron De Smet, a senior partner at McKinsey and one of the lead authors of the research.


"Employees are not leaving because the grass is greener elsewhere — they're leaving because they're disillusioned and unhappy," De Smet said.

Workers want to feel appreciated

The research, which involved two surveys of nearly 6,000 employees and 250 managers at large and midsized organizations, paints a picture of a stark disconnect between organizations and workers. Employers think people are quitting over compensation and respond with quick fixes like pay raises and "thank you" bonuses — but what employees most want is to feel appreciated and a sense of community.

"Employees want to work for a place that cares about them and that values their unique contributions," De Smet said. "A paycheck is table stakes; it's not enough to keep an employee from walking away."

As the coronavirus pandemic drags on, the American workforce is weary and burned out. The overlapping crises of the past year and a half — COVID-19, economic and political turmoil, the national reckoning on race and policing sparked by the killing of George Floyd — have taken a toll on people's mental health.


On top of that, the isolation of lockdowns and work-from-home orders made the emotional and social support that people might have ordinarily gotten from the workplace all but disappear. It's a reality that employers fail to recognize, said Kurt Motamedi, a professor of strategy and leadership at Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Management.

"In a strong organization, you feel like you're part of something — you have relationships, a reputation, and an identity, and those things help you feel emotionally supported," Motamedi said. Research suggests that having a sense of belonging in the workplace is critical to employee engagement and productivity.

"But this environment is unmooring. Many people are still working from home, and their social anchors are gone. Meanwhile, employers are pushing for performance with a view of the world that seems purely transactional."

As a result, he said, workers feel "profound alienation."


Employees are 'longing to be inspired'

Employers have displayed a certain tone-deafness about the challenges and opportunities facing their workforces, but the exodus of workers should serve as a wake-up call, according to McKinsey.

"There's a huge labor force out there that's longing to be inspired," De Smet said. "There's a deep yearning for organizations that can help meet people's social and relational needs."

Organizations that take the time to learn why their employees are thinking about quitting will have an advantage in retaining talent, he added. Automated pulse surveys provide useful snapshots of the ups and downs of employee sentiment, but they're not likely to pick up on deeper disenchantment.

Employers should ask workers for input on how to build a better, more inclusive workplace. Find out what kinds of social and interpersonal connections with colleagues they seek; ask whether career paths are clear and advancement opportunities are sufficient; and inquire about whether benefits are aligned with employee needs.


For example, work-life balance is a clear priority for most workers. Employers could create more part-time jobs, experiment with four-day workweeks, or allow employees to take sabbaticals.

Finally, employers should invest in managerial training and development. Leading a hybrid or virtual team is demanding and complex, and organizations need to ensure their managers have the right mix of technical and soft skills.

"Inspirational leadership is not something you're born with," De Smet said. "You have to learn it."

COVID Work analysis
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