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An Indian’s shopping guide during the coronavirus pandemic

An Indian’s shopping guide during the coronavirus pandemic
IndiaIndia1 min read
  • Most people are either working from home or under voluntary self-isolation.
  • At a time like this, it’s important to make sure you have the right items at home to avoid multiple trips to the grocery store.
  • Here’s an Indian’s go-to guide for shopping during the coronavirus.
Around the world, people are rushing to their about-to-close supermarkets to stock up food and other supplies so that they don’t have to leave the house and risk getting infected. In India, the situation isn’t any different as the cases of coronavirus increase. Online grocery stores like BigBasket even had to delay a few deliveries due to the sudden influx of orders.

However, not everyone’s requirements are the same, and some may need to buy a little more than others. Mothers for example should also stock up on baby formula, diapers and baby food. Individuals with pets would probably want to invest in some canned goods and dry pet food.

Some like me stocked up on candles — in case there’s a random power cut — and batteries. Because I know I’m going to be watching a lot more TV and I don’t want my remote to die.

Whatever your requirements are, make sure you don’t get swayed from your goal as you shop. The aim is to buy healthy-nutritious food and only the essentials that will last for as long as possible.

In case you’re one of many that’s stuck working from home or a self-quarantine individual, here’s some coronavirus tips on what to buy:

