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Urge centre to declare COVID-19 national disaster, demand Rs

Urge centre to declare COVID-19 national disaster, demand Rs
50,000 cr package: Oppn

Bengaluru,May 8 () Demanding that COVID-19 be declareda national disaster, opposition parties in Karnataka on Fridayasked the state government to pressurise the Centre to provideit a Rs 50,000 crore pecial economic package to help those indistress due to the lockdown induced by the pandemic.

Raising questions about the Centre not giving Karnataka'sshare of PM CARES fund, leader of the opposition in theassembly, Siddaramaiah, urged the state to seek central aid totake steps aimed at increasing people's purchasing power

A delegation of leaders of opposition parties and farmersorganisations, headed by Siddaramaiah, met Chief Minister B SYediyurappa to discuss about COVID-19 and effect of thelockdown on the working class and also measures that can betaken to mitigate their distress. Stating that people from various strata of society had methim and shared their concerns and it was his duty as the LoPto bring it to the government's notice, he said the situationwould not have deteriorated had the centre taken adequateprecautionary measures before enforcing the lockdown.

He said the government should have stopped flightservices much before and facilities should have been providedfor migrant workers.

"Corona should be declared as national disaster... thereis over Rs 35,000 crore money in PM Cares.. not even a paisehas come to the state. At least the Center should have givenus the money that had gone from the state," he was quoted assaying in a release by his office.

With no money, people will not have purchasing power,without which there will not be a demand in the market,Siddaramaiah said.

He quoted experts as having said that when there ispurchasing power, financial activities will increase andkeeping this in mind state should seek for central assistance.

Welcoming the Rs 1,610 crore relief package announced bythe Chief Minister for those in distress due to the lockdown,he said several needy people have been kept out of its ambit.

He said the one time compensation of Rs 5,000 eachannounced for thousands of washermen, barbers, auto rickshawand taxi drivers was inadequate and that the government shouldinstead give them Rs 2000 per month until the lockdown ends.

Siddaramaiah also asked the state government to spendmoney available in various organisations for those affected. Advising the government to conduct more corona tests,Siddaramaiah asked it to ensure that Personal ProtectiveEquipment and testing kits are available at all districts.

He also asked the administration to take allprecautionary preventive measures as expert doctors havepredicted that infections may increase in June and July.

Demanding incentives for ASHA (Accredited Social HealthActivist) workers, the former Chief Minister said a scientificsurvey has to be done on losses to flower, fruit and vegetablegrowers and compensation given accordingly.

People belonging to sections like goldsmiths, carpenters,cobblers, tailors and iron smiths should be considered underthe package, he added.

The government on Wednesday had announced announced Rs1,610 crore relief package for the benefit of those indistress due to the COVID-19-induced lockdown.

The measures announced by the Chief Minister B SYediyurappa include compensation of Rs 5,000 each to thousandsof washermen, barbers, auto rickshaw and taxi drivers, whosedaily lives have been affected.

It also aims at providing relief to farmers, Rs 25,000/hacompensation for affected flower-growers, certain relaxationin electricity bills for MSMEs and large industries, depositRs 2,000 directly to the bank account of the handloom weaver,and Rs 3,000 to building workers through DBT.

The delegation also submitted a charter of demands to theCM, that includes demand for Rs 50,000 crore special economicpackage from the centre and various steps, including financialassistance or compensation aimed at mitigating trouble facedby those in distress due to the lockdown.

Later the Chief Minister's Office in a statement claimedthat leaders of opposition parties complimented the stepstaken by the government to control COVID-19 and extended fullcooperation.

The Chief Minister listed out steps taken by thegovernment, including announcing of Rs 1,610 crore reliefpackage and assured the opposition that sections left out ofthe package will be consider in future, it added. KSU APRRAVINDRANATH APRRAVINDRANATH

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