Ukrainian diplomat blasts Elon Musk with profanity over the billionaire's peace plan parroting Putin propaganda | Business Insider India
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Ukrainian diplomat blasts Elon Musk with profanity over the billionaire's peace plan parroting Putin propaganda

Samantha Delouya,Jake Ep…   

Ukrainian diplomat blasts Elon Musk with profanity over the billionaire's peace plan parroting Putin propaganda
  • Elon Musk has found himself in hot water after weighing in on the war in Ukraine.
  • Musk tweeted out an idea for a peace that seems to parrot Kremlin talking points.

Elon Musk has found himself in the middle of a new controversy on social media, this time over his decision to weigh in on how to resolve the war in Ukraine.

The billionaire CEO sent out a series of tweets to his millions of followers on Monday about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, prompting backlash from experts and Ukrainian officials, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a presidential adviser, and Ukraine's ambassador to Germany, Andrij Melnyk, among others.

Musk called for a vote as he tweeted a list of conditions he seemed to imply could lead to "peace" between Ukraine and Russia, including redoing the elections in regions recently annexed by Russia, recognizing Russia's annexation of Crimea, assuring water supply to Crimea, and ensuring Ukrainian neutrality.

Musk argued "this is highly likely to be the outcome in the end – just a question of how many die before then."

In response, Melnyk tweeted, "Fuck off is my very diplomatic reply to you." Melnyk was one of a number of Ukrainian officials to call out Musk for his proposal.

"Has the account of @elonmusk been hacked by Russians? Or has Elon Musk himself been hacked?" said Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to Ukraine's internal affairs minister. "Should Putin declare Elon Musk's future Mars colony historically Russian and annex it?" he asked on Twitter.

"Musk made a lot for [Ukraine's] victory, but unexpectedly gone mad," Dmytro Gurin, a member of Ukraine's parliament, wrote.

Mykhailo Podolyak, a top advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, responded to Musk's idea with what he referred to as a "better peace plan."

"1. [Ukraine] liberates its territories. Including the annexed Crimea. 2. [Russia] undergoes demilitarization and mandatory denuclearization so it can no longer threaten others. 3. War criminals go through international tribunal. Let's vote?" he wrote.

Even Zelenskky weighed in, apparently mocking Musk's attempt to solve a real-world crisis with a Twitter vote.

Musk's call for redoing the elections in recently annexed regions of Ukraine comes just a few days after pro-Russia proxies in four occupied regions in eastern and southern Ukraine held separate referendums on joining Russia — moves that Ukraine and the West widely slammed as illegal and illegitimate.

Ukraine said the Russian proxies encouraged teenagers to vote in an effort to boost the appearance of increased participation, while residents described being forced — some at gunpoint — to vote.

Musk's suggestions for bringing about a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine echoed Kremlin talking points and ignored many of the realities on the battlefield, including how poorly Russian forces have performed and the fact they are actively losing ground.

Musk, who is a leader in the tech industry but not a historian nor an expert on military matters, Ukraine or Russia, effectively parroted Moscow's false assertions that Ukraine belongs to it. Putin has baselessly claimed that Ukraine is not a real country and owes its history to Russia, despite the fact Kyiv is centuries older than Moscow, and has referred to Ukrainians and Russians as "one people."

Russia illegally annexed Crimea in 2014, and the territory is internationally recognized as part of Ukraine. The same goes for all of the Ukrainian territories Putin annexed last week, which are not even fully controlled or occupied by Russian forces.

Though there's a shared history and culture between Ukraine and Russia, which has seen regions like Crimea come under Russian rule during various points in history, the Ukrainian people have repeatedly made it clear that they do not want to be subjugated by Moscow.

In 1991, Ukrainians overwhelmingly voted for independence from the Soviet Union.

And prior to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Ukrainians were waging a war against Kremlin-backed rebels in the Donbas, which is located in the country's east and comprised of Donetsk and Luhansk. And Ukraine's armed forces are now fighting to push out the Russian invaders. The Ukrainian government has repeatedly said it would not agree to any peace deal requiring it to cede its territory.

Under the current circumstances in the war, with a Ukrainian counteroffensive progressing far better than expected, Kyiv also has no reason to negotiate for a peace settlement along such lines.

"I don't think there's room for negotiation for quite some time because the Ukrainians have been winning and the Russians just demand Ukrainian surrender. Why would you surrender when you're winning?" Jeffrey Edmonds, a CNA Russia expert and former CIA military analyst, told Insider last week.

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