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Where Biden and Trump stand on major issues like the economy, Ukraine, and immigration

Grace Eliza Goodwin   

Where Biden and Trump stand on major issues like the economy, Ukraine, and immigration
  • Biden and Trump's stances differ dramatically on some major issues like abortion.
  • But they're also closer than you might think on other issues, like the war in Gaza.

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump disagree on most major issues concerning Americans today, like the economy, climate, immigration, abortion, the war in Ukraine, and the war in Gaza.

At the top of that list is the economy and inflation — nearly 9 in 10 Americans say these are the most important issues determining who they will vote for in November, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll in May.

But if you're a bit fuzzy on the specific details of each presidential candidate's positions, here's a guide with all the information you need.

Biden vs Trump on the economy

With the skyrocketing costs of monthly bills like rent and mortgages, health insurance, phone plans, and utilities — it's no surprise that the economy is the biggest issue looming on voters minds this election season.

So how does each candidate intend to alleviate Americans' financial woes?

In his three and a half years already in office, Biden has done pretty well on the core metrics of a healthy economy. Unemployment has stayed under 4% for the longest period of time since the 1960s, 15 million jobs have been created, the Dow hit over 40,000 for the first time, and the national economy as a whole is expected to grow at double the rate of its G7 peers.

Though the statistics sound good, that doesn't mean Americans are feeling good — a disconnect that one economist calls a "vibecession."

As for his 2025 agenda, Biden wants to hike the corporate tax rate, impose a higher corporate minimum tax on billion-dollar companies, and impose a 25% tax on the wealthiest Americans' unrealized income.

During Trump's time in office, inflation was about 2% lower on average, and both unemployment and the stock market did well.

Trump hasn't been very specific about his economic plans for a second term, but some economists warn that his general ideas could exacerbate inflation.

Trump's promise to crack down on illegal immigration could worsen labor shortages, and his proposal to enact a 10% tariff on all imported goods could make items more expensive for consumers. Trump also believes tax cuts and deregulation will fuel economic growth, and he's proposed ending the taxation of tips.

Read more about each candidate's economic stances here.

Biden vs Trump on the climate

Biden has boasted about the pro-environment policies he's enacted while in office, and he hopes his stance will win over young voters.

He rejoined the Paris climate agreement, revoked a permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, and helped set up new EPA rules that limit vehicle emissions and strengthen the reporting requirements of methane emissions.

When Trump took office, he left the Paris climate agreement and rolled back a number of environmental protections on everything from logging to dishwasher efficiency.

The former president has also pledged to "stop the war on oil and natural gas," dismantle oil regulations, and end "government interference in energy decisions."

Read more about each candidate's climate positions here.

Biden vs Trump on immigration

Biden and Trump are sharply divided on immigration, as are Americans.

Immigration has been one of the toughest issues of Biden's term — he entered office wanting to reverse many of Trump's policies but has since waffled on the issue.

Under Biden, border apprehensions hit a record high, which Republicans have blamed on lackluster border security.

Earlier this year, Biden hoped a Senate-crafted bipartisan bill on the asylum system would strengthen border security, but Republicans squashed it. At the beginning of June, Biden did make some progress on the issue, signing an executive order restricting asylum protections — to the dismay of many left-leaning immigration advocates.

Trump has made immigration a central tenet of both his presidential runs.

The former president, who has harshly criticized Biden's immigration policies, was instrumental in getting Republicans to reject the Senate's bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year.

He has also promised to carry out the largest deportation operation in US history if he's elected to a second term, and his allies have reportedly already been drawing up plans to restrict migration at the US-Mexico border.

Read more about each candidates immigration position here.

Biden vs Trump on abortion

Biden has consistently held a pro-abortion position.

He's promised to restore Roe v. Wade, defended access to the abortion drug mifepristone, pushed through a Pentagon policy that reimburses service members who need to travel for the procedure, and vowed to defend women's legal ability to travel across state lines to get an abortion.

Though Trump has bragged about his role overturning Roe, he has also recently tried to skirt around the topic of abortion, arguing that the decision should be left to individual states.

Trump has also not said how he feels about mifepristone or how he intends to vote on a Florida constitutional amendment that would expand some access to the procedure.

Read more about each candidate's stance on abortion here.

Biden vs Trump on the war in Ukraine

The Biden administration has remained in favor of supporting Ukraine financially and militarily, arguing that it's worth the cost to combat Russian aggression and uphold the US-led world order.

Biden has also suggested that he wouldn't support a negotiated settlement granting some Ukrainian territory to Russia.

"Peace looks like making sure Russia never, never, never, never occupies Ukraine," Biden told TIME in a May interview. "That's what peace looks like."

Trump's stance on the war is not quite as clear, and his friendliness with Russian President Vladimir Putin has made his views even murkier. He has suggested giving aid to Ukraine in the controversial form of a loan, and has said that the US is doing too much to support the battle-torn country. He's also pledged to end the war if elected, even if that means Ukraine ceding territory to Russia.

Read more about each candidate's stance on the war in Ukraine here.

Biden vs Trump on Israel-Gaza

Biden has consistently defended Israel since the country invaded Gaza last year following Hamas' October 7 attack.

Biden has, however, hedged his support of Israel at times.

He's called Israel's war tactics "over the top," pushed for a ceasefire, and urged Israel to do more to allow humanitarian aid into the territory.

Trump has voiced conflicting messages about the war in Gaza. During an interview in March, he said Israel "made a very big mistake" but also at the same time told the country to "go and do what you have to do."

Some of Trump's comments on the topic has also signaled that he could be even more supportive of Israel's war than Biden.

Read more about each candidates stance on Israel-Gaza here.

Biden vs Trump on housing

While in office, Biden has pushed a number of policy changes on housing, including the "Housing Supply Action" plan. The president has encouraged initiatives to increase the amount of affordable housing, and his fiscal year 2025 budget proposal includes $258 billion for housing initiatives.

Biden has also discussed housing issues on the campaign trail and in high-profile speeches like the State of the Union.

Trump didn't prioritize the issue while in office, and he proposed substantial cuts to agencies that provide federal housing subsidies, including the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The former president hasn't discussed the issue much during his 2024 campaign so far, though he has promised a crackdown on immigration will provide relief to the housing market. He has said he would said he would "ban urban camping" to deal with homelessness. He also released a video last year saying he would build 10 new American cities on federal land as a way to give American families "a new shot at homeownership."

Read more about each candidates stance on housing

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