CLIMA 2025: Decarbonized, healthy and energy conscious buildings in future climates

CLIMA 2025
Buildings for the climate of the future: the key role of the HVAC sector

"The REHVA HVAC World Congress CLIMA is the leading international scientific congress in the field of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). After the great success of the 2022 edition, organized by the Dutch association TVVL, the baton now passes to AiCARR for the organization of CLIMA 2025: the 15th REHVA HVAC World Congress, which will be held in Milan, Italy, from June 4th to 6th, 2025. The theme of this Italian edition is "Decarbonized, healthy, and energy-conscious buildings in future climates", a topic that highlights the fundamental importance of the HVAC sector in all its aspects. In this perspective, CLIMA 2025 will offer professionals, academics, and companies in the HVAC sector a unique opportunity for international discussion about these "hot" subjects."

The Call for paper is open!

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The Program

The Congress program will be developed over the coming months. In the meantime, you can view a draft program that may be subject to changes.

Click here for the draft program

4-6 June 2025

This event is organized by REHVA and one of its members and takes place once every three years. In 2025, REHVA will be partnering with AiCARR (Italy) to co-organize the event.


Registration open early 2024

CLIMA 2025 Registration FEE

Categories Early Bird (until April 30, 2025) Regular (until May 31, 2025) Late/on-site (until June 6, 2025)
In Person
Regular (3 days) 700,00 € 940,00 € 1.160,00 €
Reduced (3 days) 630,00 € 830,00 € 1.000,00 €
Student (3 days) 100,00 € 150,00 € 175,00 €
1 day (fixed date) 350,00 € 470,00 € 580,00 €
Gala Dinner 95,00 €
On Line
Regular (3 days) 350,00 €
Reduced (3 days) 315,00 €
Student (3 days) 75,00 €
1 day (fixed date) 150,00 €

Submission Deadlines

Abstract Submission
Notification of Abstract Acceptance
Full Papers Submission
Review Report on Full Paper
Revised Version of the Full Paper
Notification of Paper Acceptance