Borrowing Power Calculator - How Much Can I Borrow?
negative gearing included.","optionalEstExpensesNegGearing":"*Based on the information you’ve given us we’ve estimated your expenses and calculated your borrowing capacity with negative gearing included to give you a better idea of what your budget might look like.","barChartExpensesLabel":"Expenses","barChartExpensesLink":"Tell us your expenses","barChartHEMDisclaimer":"*Based on the information you’ve given us we’ve estimated your expenses to give you a better idea of what your budget might look like. ","barChartLoanRepaymentLabel":"Home loan repayments","barChartRemainingLabel":"Remaining (after tax)","affordabilityHeading":"Affordability","repaymentsEquateToLabel":"Your home loan repayments would be","repaymentsEquateToLabelSuffix":"of your {0.toLowerCase} income after tax.","repaymentsChartTitle":"{0} income","remainingLabel":"After you take out your home loan repayments and living expenses from your income, you’d have ","remainingLabelSuffix":"remaining per {0.toLowerCase}","extraCostsNote":" ","extraCostsLink":" ","preapprovalHeading":"Want pre-approval for a {0} loan?","preapprovalParagraph":"If you're ready to search for a property and you'd like to apply online for pre-approval, we need a few more details. Pre-approval is conditional, obligation-free and shows vendors you're serious about making an offer when you find a home or investment property.","preapprovalLink":"Get pre-approval","specialistLink":"Talk to a specialist","inputPrompt":"

Your home loan repayments would be 0% of your monthly income after tax.


After you take out your home loan repayments and living expenses from your income, you'd have $0 remaining per month.



\n","repaymentsLoanLabelCustomRate":"This is based on","secondaryCTAHeading":"Go a step further with conditional eligibility","secondaryCTAContent":"Get the confidence to act quickly when the right property comes along by answering a few more questions about your current financial situation.","secondaryCTALink":"","secondaryCTALinkLabel":"Get started","repaymentsDropdownLabel":"Loan over","productsToggle":"Back to CommBank rates","customRateToggle":"Enter your own interest rate","getStartedCTALink":{"displayText":"Check conditional approval","image":"","controlId":"conditionalEligibility","link":{"target":"_blank","externalLink":"false","url":"/content/commbank-neo/home-loans/ready-to-apply.html","navigationSystem":"DigitalPlatformApps","attributes":[]}},"getStartedCTATitle":"Ready to get started?","lendingSpecialistCTATitle":"Talk to a lending specialist","lendingSpecialistCTALink":{"displayText":"Book an appointment","image":"","controlId":"makeAppointment","link":{"target":"_self","externalLink":"false","url":"/digital/homeloanappointment?ei=new-exp-ph-make-appointment-cta-btn-how-much-can-i-borrow ","navigationSystem":"DigitalPlatformApps","attributes":[]}},"sliderNonWealthProductMinimum":"10000","sliderWealthProductMinimum":"150000","sliderInterestRateMinimum":"10000","callToActionPanelText":{"_variants":{"_default":"

Why apply for conditional pre-approval?

Get conditional pre-approval so you can confidently find your property. Chat to one of our lenders or start your application online in 10 minutes.

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Why apply for conditional pre-approval?

Get conditional pre-approval so you can confidently find your property. Chat to one of our lenders or start your application online in 10 minutes.

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"}}},"footer":{"makeApptText":"Make an appointment","applyText":"Apply online","makeApptLink":"","ctaDescription":"You may like to...","termsAndConditions":"

What you need to know 


Calculations are estimates provided as a guide only. They assume interest rates do not change throughout the loan and are calculated on the rate that applies for the initial period of the loan (e.g. for fixed rate options, the repayments are for the initial fixed rate period only). Interest rates referenced are current rates based on Principal and Interest repayments. Interest rates are subject to change at any time.


Weekly / fortnightly amounts only apply if you’re paying by Direct Debit (set up with CommBank). For all other payment methods, you'll need to pay the monthly amount.


We have different rates that apply, depending on whether you are making interest only payments or principal and interest repayments.  During an interest only period, your interest only payments won't reduce your loan balance. At the end of an interest only period, your repayments will increase to cover principal and interest components.


Fees and charges are payable. The calculations do not take into account fees, charges or other amounts that may be charged to your loan (such as establishment or monthly service fees or stamp duty). Lenders' Mortgage Insurance or a Low Deposit Premium may apply to your loan depending on the size of your deposit; security, applicant and loan attributes. Any of these additional amounts will increase repayments under the loan.


Calculations are not a loan approval.  Applications are subject to credit approval, satisfactory security and minimum deposit requirements. Conditions apply to all loan options.  Full terms and conditions will be set out in our loan offer, if an offer is made.


For investment loans, negative gearing may be applied in determining your borrowing capacity. This is based on present taxation laws and may be subject to change. Availability will depend on your particular circumstances and the application of relevant taxation laws. You should seek independent, professional tax advice before making any decision based on this information.


**Comparison Rate
\nComparison rate calculated on a secured loan of $150,000 over a 25 year term.


Comparison rates for variable Interest Only loans are based on an initial 5 year Interest Only period. Comparison rates for fixed or guaranteed Interest Only loans are based on an initial Interest Only period equal in length to the fixed or guaranteed period. During an interest only period, your interest only payments will not reduce your loan balance. This may mean you pay more interest over the life of the loan.


WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.


Want to know more?


To find out how much you could borrow or what your loan repayments might be, visit


Alternatively, call 13 22 21 to make an appointment with a Home Lending Specialist or visit your local branch.

\n","termsAndConditionsHeading":"Things you should know","termsAndConditionsContent":"

Calculations are estimates provided as a guide only. They assume interest rates don’t change over the life of the loan and are calculated on the rate that applies for the initial period of the loan e.g. for fixed rate options, the repayments are for the initial fixed rate period only.


Weekly / fortnightly amounts only apply if you’re paying by Direct Debit (set up with CommBank). For all other payment methods, you'll need to pay the monthly amount.


We have different rates that apply, depending on whether you are making interest only payments or principal and interest repayments.  During an interest only period, your interest only payments won't reduce your loan balance. At the end of an interest only period, your repayments will increase to cover principal and interest components.


Rate/s apply to new lending only and may include a margin below or above the applicable reference rate. The current reference rates can be found here.


Fees and charges are payable. The calculations do not take into account fees, charges or other amounts that may be charged to your loan (such as establishment or monthly service fees or stamp duty). Lenders' Mortgage Insurance or a Low Deposit Premium may apply to your loan depending on the size of your deposit; security, applicant and loan attributes. This is a one-off cost and will be added to the loan amount. Any of these additional amounts will increase repayments under the loan.


Calculations are not a loan approval. Applications are subject to credit approval, satisfactory security and minimum deposit requirements. Conditions apply to all loan options. Full terms and conditions will be set out in our loan offer, if an offer is made.


For investment loans, negative gearing may be applied in determining your borrowing capacity. Availability will depend on our credit policy, your security and loan attributes and other information that you provide. You should seek independent, professional tax advice before making any decision based on this information.


* To apply for a Wealth Package, you must have an eligible home loan or line of credit with an initial package lending balance of at least $150,000 at the time of your application. Package lending balance is the sum of the account balance of eligible home lending accounts and the credit limit of Viridian Line of Credit accounts that you have with us at the time you apply for Wealth Package. Eligible home loans include: Standard Variable Rate home loan, Fixed Rate home loans and Viridian Line of Credit. A non-refundable annual fee of $395 is payable in advance. The package can be established in the name of one or two individual’s name/s, or in the name of a corporate entity. It cannot be established in the name of a business or family investment trust. Please refer to the Wealth Package Fact Sheet and Package Terms and Conditions for full details.


**Comparison Rate


Comparison rate calculated on a $150,000 secured loan over a 25 year term.


WARNING: Comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Comparison rates for variable Interest Only loans are based on an initial 5 year Interest Only period. Comparison rates for fixed or guaranteed Interest Only loans are based on an initial Interest Only period equal in length to the fixed or guaranteed period. During an interest only period, your interest only payments will not reduce your loan balance. This may mean you pay more interest over the life of the loan.

\n"},"accessibility":{"screenreaderonlylabel":{"applicants":"This loan is for","buyertypesingle":"Im looking for","buyertypetwoofus":"We are looking for","incomesingle":"I earn before tax","incomesinglefrequency":"I earn before tax frequency","incomepartner":"My partner earns before tax","incomepartnerfrequency":"My partner earns before tax frequency","rentalincomehometolivein":"current rental income","incomerentalfrequency":"current rental income frequency","rentalincomeinvestmentproperty":"Expected rental income","incomerentalexpectedfrequency":"expected rental income frequency","incomeothersingle":"My other income","incomeothersinglefrequency":"My other income frequency","incomeotherpartner":"My partners other income","incomeotherpartnerfrequency":"My partners other income frequency","expenseliving":"Bills and living expenses","expenselivingfrequency":"Bills and living expenses frequency","expenserentalsingle":"Rent Ill be paying","expenserentalsinglefrequency":"Rent Ill be paying frequency","expenserentaltwoofus":"Rent we will be paying","expenserentaltwoofusfrequency":"Rent well be paying frequency","expensehomeLoan":"Current home loan repayments","expensehomeLoanfrequency":"Current home loan repayments frequency","expenseotherLoan":"Other loan repayments","expenseotherLoanfrequency":"other loan repayments frequency","expensecreditsingle":"Total credit card limit","repaymentfrequency":"Repayment frequency","loanterm":"Loan term","loanproduct":"This is based on","borrowingcapacityedit":"Edit the amount you can borrow","capacity":"Amount you want to borrow","customRate":"Enter a rate between 0.01-10 percentage","expensecredittwoofus":"Our total credit card limit"}},"feedback":{"feedbackHeading":"Help us improve our calculator","feedbackRatingQuestion":"How would you rate your experience using our borrowing calculator?","furtherFeedback":"Thanks for your feedback. Have a suggestion? Please ","feedbackLink":"","feedbackLinkText":"help us improve"}},"Shared":{"frequencyPeriodFormat":"Per {0}","withinNextMonth":"with in the next month","callToActionsLabel":"Ready to take the next step?","states":{"nsw":"NSW","vic":"VIC","qld":"QLD","wa":"WA","sa":"SA","tas":"TAS","act":"ACT","nt":"NT"},"buyerTypes":{"firstHomeBuyer":"my first home","ownerOccupied":"a home to live in","investment":"an investment property"},"propertyTypes":{"existing":"an existing property","new":"a newly built property","vacantLand":"vacant land to build on"},"modal":{"srApplyNow":"If you are already banking with us, save time and apply now in NetBank using the 'Apply in NetBank' button below. Otherwise, use the 'Apply now' button. To close the dialog, simple press the escape key or tab through to the close button.","netbankText":"Already a customer banking online with us?","netbankDescriptor":"Save time by using your NetBank details.","netbankButton":"Apply in NetBank","netbankLink":"","commbankText":"New customer or don't bank online with us?","commbankButton":"Apply now","commbankLink":"","closeButton":"Close","orLabel":"or"},"commBankFurniture":{"contentBase":"","externalJs":"//","externalCss":"//","baseCss":"//","outagePage":""},"interCalcNavigation":{"navTitle":"CommBank home loan calculators","totalCostTitle":"Stamp duty calculator","repaymentsTitle":"Repayment calculator","borrowingTitle":"Borrowing calculator","totalCostDescription":"There are some additional costs like stamp duty that you should budget for.","repaymentsDescription":"Find out what your home loan repayments might look like.","borrowingDescription":"Enter your income and expenses to estimate how much you could borrow for a home loan.","TotalCostUrl":"/digital/home-buying/calculator/stamp-duty-calculator?ei=calculator-inter-calc-tab-totalcost","RepaymentsUrl":"/digital/home-buying/calculator/home-loan-repayments?ei=calculator-inter-calc-tab-home-loan-repayments","BorrowingUrl":"/digital/home-loans/calculator/how-much-can-i-borrow?ei=calculator-inter-calc-tab-how-much-can-i-borrow","startCTA":"Calculate now","totalCostImageInitialCopy":"Enter details about the property you’re purchasing to explore what your upfront costs may be","totalCostImageResultsCopy":"Your upfront costs would be {0}if you purchase a property for {1}","repaymentsImageInitialCopy":"Enter details about how much you’d like to borrow to take a look at what your loan repayments may be","repaymentsImageResultsCopy":"Your repayments would be {0} {1}if you took out a loan for {2}","borrowingImageInitialCopy":"Find out how much you may be able to borrow by answering a few simple questions about your current financial situation","borrowingImageResultsCopy":"You could borrow up to {0}based on your current financial situation","affordabilityDisclaimer":"Things you need to know about these estimates, including *comparison rate warning.","thingsNeedToKnowAboutCalcs":"Things you need to know about Estimated Repayments, Upfront Costs, Borrowing Power.","comparisonRateDisclaimer":"

We have different rates that apply, depending on whether you are making interest only payments or principal and interest repayments. During an interest only period, your Interest only payments won't reduce your loan balance. At the end of an interest only period, your repayments will increase to cover principal and interest components.

Comparison rate calculated on a $150,000 secured loan over a 25 year term.

WARNING: Comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Comparison rates for variable Interest Only loans are based on an initial 5 year Interest Only period. Comparison rates for fixed or guaranteed Interest Only loans are based on an initial Interest Only period equal in length to the fixed or guaranteed period. During an interest only period, your interest only payments will not reduce your loan balance. This may mean you pay more interest over the life of the loan.

","repaymentIOText":"Approximate interest only payments","repaymentPIText":"Principal and interest repayments","refinanceTitle":"Refinance calculator","RefinanceUrl":"/digital/home-loans/calculator/refinance-calculator"},"callToActions":{"makeApptText":"Make an appointment","applyText":"Apply for a home loan","talkToUsText":"Talk to us","apptHeader":"Ask a Lending expert","apptDescription":"Talk on the phone or in person – whatever works best for you.","callHeader":"Prefer to call?","callDescription":"Speak to one of our home lending specialists anytime between 8am and 8pm, 7 days a week.","callNumber":"tel:+61132224","callNumberDisplay":"13 22 24","callText":"Call ","callUsText":"Call us","makeApptLink":"","newMakeApptLink":"","description":"Ready to apply?","noResultsText":"Need help?","printBtnText":"Print your calculations","applyLoanText":"Apply for a loan","ceAppText":"Get conditional eligibility","ceAppLink":"","callButton":"Call Us","applyLoanDesc":"When you've found a property or want to refinance with CommBank","ceAppDesc":"Get the confidence to act quickly when the right property comes along","callToActionsLabel":"Ready to take the next step?","ctaBannerDesc":"Get help from a Home Lending Specialist","branchText":"In branch","workOrHomeText":"We’ll come to you","viaSkypeText":"Make an appointment","viaSkypeLink":"","moreOptionsText":"More contact options","ctaBannerType":{"_variants":{"_default":"0","a":"1","b":"2","c":"3"}},"ctaBanner_title":"Speak to a home lending specialist","ctaBanner_cta1":{"_variants":{"_default":"13 22 24","b":"Make an appointment"}},"ctaBanner_ctaurl1":{"_variants":{"_default":"tel:+61132224","b":""}},"ctaBanner_cta2":"Apply online","ctaBanner_cta2_modal1":"Apply in Netbank","ctaBanner_cta2_modalurl1":"","ctaBanner_cta2_modal2":"Apply in Commbank","ctaBanner_cta2_modalurl2":"","homeLoansApplyLink":"","ctaApplyText":"Apply online","ctaMakeApptText":"Talk to us"},"purchaseTimeFrames":{"withinNext6Month":"in the next 6 months","withinNextYear":"within 12 months","sometimeInTheFuture":"not sure yet","withinNextMonth":"with in the next month"},"frequencies":{"frequencyMonthly":"Per month","frequencyFortnightly":"Per fortnight","frequencyWeekly":"Per week","frequencyAnnual":"Per year"},"repaymentTypes":{"principalInterest":"Principal and interest","io1year":"Interest only 1 year","io2years":"Interest only 2 years","io3years":"Interest only 3 years","io4years":"Interest only 4 years","io5years":"Interest only 5 years"},"learnMore":{"title":"Learn more about buying property","firstLink":"","firstTitle":"Buying your first home","firstDescription":"We’ve got the information you need to buy your first home, from saving and searching for a property, to finding the right home loan and settlement.","firstImageAria":"Buying your first home","nextLink":"","nextTitle":"Buying your next home","nextDescription":"If you’re ready for a change, we’ve got the tools and support to get your finances sorted and help you find your next home.","nextImageAria":"Buying your next home","investLink":"","investTitle":"Investing in property","investDescription":"Considering purchasing an investment property? We’re here to help, with a choice of investment home loan options, repayment strategies and other great options for investors.","investImageAria":"Investing in property","buildLink":"","buildTitle":"Building a home","buildDescription":"We’ve got the support and insights you need to build a home, from drawing up plans and buying land, to understanding the costs involved and getting the right home loan.","buildImageAria":"Building a home","ctaText":"Learn More"},"localstorage":{"description":" ","ctaText":" "},"contextualSurveyBanner":{"surveyToDisplayTimes":"1000000","showAgainAfterDays":"36500","surveyUrl":"","bannerText":"We value your feedback","bannerCta":"Tell us what you think of Property Search","closeText":"Close"},"contextualLogon":{"favLogonHeading":"Get the perfect property sooner","favLogonDesc":" ","favLogonButton":"Log on","tcAcknowledgement":"By logging on or registering, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions","useNetbankLabel":"Use my NetBank details ","usePropertyAppDesc":"If you’ve used the CommBank Property app, you can use the email account you created.","usePropertyAppLabel":"Use my email","createAccountLabel":"Register my email","favErrorLine1":"Sorry, but we can't seem to save your favourites at this time.","favErrorLine2":"Please try again later.","favErrorBtnText":"Continue your search","affCardLogonHeading":"Log on or register to get an affordability snapshot","affCardLogonDesc":"Already banking with us? You can use your NetBank details to log on.","returningUserHeading":"Pick up where you left off","returningUserDesc":"Your session timed out. Log back on to keep searching for properties and using our great tools."},"affordabilityCard":{"logonText":"Want to know how much this property could be worth?","timedOutText":"Pick up where you left off","timedOutSubText":"Log back on to see CommBank’s estimated market price and calculate your affordability","yourPriceText":"Your price","estimatedText":"CommBank estimated market price","medianText":"Median price for this suburb","nextText":"Can I afford this property?","nextBtn":"Find out","repaymentsText":"Estimated repayments","depositText":"Your deposit after upfront costs","editExpenseText":"Edit your expenses","logonBtnLabel":"Log on"},"content":{"addToFavourites":"add to favourites","removeFromFavourites":"remove from favourites"},"productConfigNotForMultipleProducts":{"ownerOccupied":"7771","investor":"7778"},"productSpecificMessage":{"4":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"2yearfixedratehl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"2 Year Fixed Rate Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"77841231":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"ehl20%deposit","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Home Loan 20% deposit"}},"77841241":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"eihl20%deposit","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Investment Home Loan 20% deposit"}},"77741231":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"ehl30%deposit","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Home Loan 30% deposit"}},"11":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"2yearfixedrateihl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"2 Year Fixed Rate Investment Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"8":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"svrihl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Investment Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"77741241":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"eihl30%deposit","message":" Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Investment Home Loan 30% deposit"}},"1":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"svrhl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"6":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"4yearfixedratehl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"4 Year Fixed Rate Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"13":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"4yearfixedrateihl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"4 Year Fixed Rate Investment Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"3":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"1yearfixedratehl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"1 Year Fixed Rate Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"5":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"3yearfixedratehl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"3 Year Fixed Rate Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"7":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"5yearfixedratehl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"5 Year Fixed Rate Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"10":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"1yearfixedratehl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"1 Year Fixed Rate Investment Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"12":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"3yearfixedratehl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"3 Year Fixed Rate Investment Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"14":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"5yearfixedratehl","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"5 Year Fixed Rate Investment Home Loan with Wealth Package"}},"77941231":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"eihl10%deposit","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan.","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Home Loan 10% deposit"}},"77941241":{"_variants":{"_default":"default rich text","trackingproductname":"eihl10%deposit","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan.","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Investment Home Loan 10% deposit"}},"7771":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Home Loan LVR 60% or below with Wealth Package"}},"7781":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Home Loan LVR 60.01% to 70% with Wealth Package"}},"7791":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Home Loan LVR 70.01% to 80% with Wealth Package"}},"7801":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Home Loan LVR 80.01% to 90% with Wealth Package"}},"7811":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Home Loan LVR 90.01% to 95% with Wealth Package"}},"7778":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Investment Home Loan LVR 60% or below with Wealth Package"}},"7788":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Investment Home Loan LVR 60.01% to 70% with Wealth Package"}},"7798":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Investment Home Loan LVR 70.01% to 80% with Wealth Package"}},"7808":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Investment Home Loan LVR 80.01% to 90% with Wealth Package"}},"7818":{"_variants":{"_default":"



Loan to Value ratio  (LVR) is the total amount you have borrowed for your loan as a percentage of your property value. Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan. Wealth Package rates require a minimum initial package lending balance of $150,000.

\n","borrowingamount":"760000","name":"Standard Variable Rate Investment Home Loan LVR 90.01% to 95% with Wealth Package"}},"7774123":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan.","trackingproductname":"ehl60%orbelow","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Home Loan LVR 60% or below"}},"7784123":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"ehl60to70%deposit","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan.","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Home Loan LVR 60.01% to 70%"}},"7794123":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"ehl70to80%","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan.","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Home Loan LVR 70.01% to 80%"}},"7804123":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"ehl80to90%","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan.","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Home Loan LVR 80.01% to 90%"}},"7814123":{"_variants":{"_default":"


\n","trackingproductname":"ehl90to95%","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan.","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Home Loan LVR 90.01% to 95%"}},"7774124":{"_variants":{"_default":"


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\n","trackingproductname":"eihl60to70%","message":"Minimum borrowing amount is $10,000 to be eligible for a home loan.","borrowingamount":"11000","name":"Extra Investment Home Loan LVR 60.01% to 70%"}},"7794124":{"_variants":{"_default":"


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