Data Protection | Emerson AE

Data Protection Statement

Data Protection Statement

Emerson is committed to protecting the personal information of its customers, employees, vendors, and investors, all of whom expect us to adhere to the highest standards of data privacy and security.

Emerson first implemented a formal Data Protection Program to keep pace with the rigorous requirements of the 1995 European Union (EU) Data Protection Directive.   Over time, the data privacy and security landscape has experienced an unprecedented and rapid level of change in technology, regulations, and stakeholder expectations. 

To respond to this changing environment, in 2017, Emerson undertook to inventory its Data Protection systems, processes, and controls.  These efforts resulted in the re-design and implementation of a Global Data Protection Program enabling Emerson to stay abreast of key data privacy and security developments across the globe, and to adapt our global operations to remain compliant in this shifting landscape.  

Emerson’s Global Data Protection Program requires all Emerson businesses, wherever located, to adhere to the core data handling and documentation requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  Emerson’s program is supported by an updated Data Protection Policy, the establishment of a cross functional management advisory board, and the appointment of local and functional data protection coordinators around the world.   

In 2019, Emerson expanded its Global Data Protection program meet the challenges presented by the proliferation of data protection legislation around the world such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the Brazilian General Data Protection Law, and the India Data Privacy Bill – all of which borrow considerably from the GDPR.  In addition, Emerson implemented a rigorous product security policy requiring secure product development and product privacy and security risk review at all Emerson businesses.  

The GDPR, CCPA, and other new regional and local laws change the way companies like Emerson must administer and document the collection, movement, and processing of personal data.  While data regulations are dynamic, they do not change the fundamental principles upon which Emerson has historically relied on to manage personal data.  Emerson’s Global Data Protection Program will remain measured and nimble to maintain a strong, effective, and sustainable program that will be able to mature and adapt to future regulatory developments and our stakeholders’ needs.  Emerson has and will continue to place keen emphasis on the importance of keeping personal data secure and respecting the privacy rights of individuals around the world. 

Last Revised:  03/03/2020

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