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Job opportunities

Energy Community offers job opportunities at the  seat of its Secretariat in Vienna. Job announcements follow the approved establishment plan of the Energy Community by its Ministerial Council. On the occasion of an open recruitment process, the vacancy notice is posted in this subsection. 

Careers for staff members of the Secretariat are organised in the field of energy and related topics. To be considered for recruitment, a candidate must first succeed in an open competition organised according to the Rules for Recruitment, Working Conditions and Geographical Equilibrium in its most recent edition. Contracts are of a limited duration of three years and are renewable. The terms and conditions of employment are laid down in accordance with the Staff Regulations of the Energy Community.

The Secretariat of the Energy Community is responsible for organisation of the selection procedures in accordance with the applied rules. Participation in a competition requires a university level of education and minimum of professional experience of three years. 

For operational questions, write to [email protected].

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Open vacancies

Possible types of employment

  • Seconded employees

    Seconded employees

    Secondees may be appointed upon a request of public authorities of a Contracting Party, Participant or an Observer to the Energy Community Treaty, as well as international organisations. Appointment of secondees is subject to administrative and financial capacity of the Secretariat. 

    All applications shall be sent to the Secretariat directly in accordance with the instructions of the announcement. Each application must comprise a letter of recommendation signed by the responsible head of the nominating institution (ministry, regulator, competition authority, international organisation, etc.). The selection of the secondees on the ground of the received applications shall be led by a Selection Committee established by the Director in the size and format suitable for the purpose of recruitment. The appointment of any secondee may be preceded by an interview with the candidate.

    Secondment shall require an act of appointment by the Director of the Secretariat. It contains a written agreement on the terms and conditions governing the secondment. This includes the agreement of the respective institution or international organization, which is the formal employer of the Secondee. In this agreement, the employer shall assure that it will continue any payments (salary, contributions to social security and insurance systems, etc.), required by national law.

    Appointment as secondee will be made for a maximum of one year. Secondees are supposed to work full-time, i.e. 40 hours a week, and are entitled to 2,5 days of leave per month.

    Secondees will receive a monthly stipend by the Energy Community to support coverage of the subsistence costs in Vienna. This amount is preset for each budgetary period. Secondees shall arrange for their own health insurance coverage.

  • Interns


    The Secretariat offers internships for the purpose of assistance to staff members and/or supervised practical training. Appointment of interns is subject to administrative and financial capacity of the Secretariat.

    A request for an internship shall be accompanied by the applicant’s resume. Excellent command of English is indispensable. The Director may decide to invite the applicant for an interview.

    The recruitment of an intern shall be made by way of an internship agreement between the Energy Community and the intern. The internship agreement may be terminated by both bodies on two weeks notice by way of a reasoned termination letter.

    Interns work full-time, i.e. 40 hours a week and are entitled to 2,5 days of leave per month. Interns will receive a monthly stipend by the Energy Community to support coverage of the subsistence costs in Vienna. This amount is preset for each budgetary period. Interns shall arrange for their own health insurance coverage.

  • Other opportunities

    Other opportunities

    The Director may decide on fellowship programmes or other assignments to strengthen the professional expertise of the Energy Community. Limited to maximum two years, the assignment  depends on administrative capacity of the Secretariat and shall not result in any costs to the Energy Community.

    The Director assigns the fellow or other assignee to a specific area of work of the Secretariat. She/he shall perform his functions under the authority, and in full compliance with the instructions of the Director, and any person acting on his behalf. During the assignment he/she will comply with all regulations, rules, instructions, procedures issued by the Energy Community and its Secretariat

  • Roster of experts

    Roster of experts of the Energy Community Secretariat

    The Energy Community Secretariat manages a database of qualified service providers (Roster of Experts) for delivering ad-hoc, short-term assistance to the Energy Community and its institutions, i.e. Secretariat in the framework of its work program, including in the framework of EU funded grant contracts concluded between the Energy Community and/or the European Commission and other donors.

    The Secretariat seeks expertise in the following fields*:

    • Consultancy services
    • Legal services

    * Please note that as of October, 2020 - Training, communication and other is no longer part of the category of services on the Roster of Experts

    Refer to contract notice for more details concerning the specific areas of expertise requested.

    The Roster of Experts is valid until formal revocation.