Director Lorkowski joins informal meeting of EU energy ministers - Energy Community Homepage Director Lorkowski joins informal meeting of EU energy ministers

Director Lorkowski joins informal meeting of EU energy ministers

16 July 2024

Artur Lorkowski, the Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, is in Budapest today attending the Informal Meeting of Energy Ministers (15-16 July). European energy leaders are gathering in the Hungarian capital under the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council.

Chaired by Hungarian Energy Minister Csaba Lantos, the discussions center on priority energy policy issues under the Hungarian presidency. Today's focus is on decarbonising European energy systems, with special emphasis on the role of geothermal energy in the European energy mix.The deployment of geothermal energy as a sustainable solution for electricity production, heating, and cooling is a key topic.

Further discussions address the implementation of the 2030 energy policy framework and the crucial role of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs).

Director Lorkowski said: "The Energy Community Contracting Parties adhere to a rigorous EU model for governing the energy transition. The top priority now is to finalise the adoption of national energy and climate plans in alignment with the Secretariat's recommendations."

In Scope:

  • Hungary Hungary