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The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) partners with the American-Made Challenges program to offer prizes and competitions for students, researchers, innovators—anyone with a creative idea. 

Prizes offer competitors:

  • The lowest barrier to access DOE funding.
  • A safe environment that encourages new ideas, creativity, and pays for results.
  • A level playing field for tackling ambitious goals where people from all backgrounds and skill sets can succeed.
  • Collaboration with public, private, and philanthropic entities supporting and sponsoring a prize.
  • Win cash, and get recognized for excellence in a particular area.

Our prizes address four main themes:

How To Get Involved

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Are you an innovator? America needs innovators who can help build our clean energy future. We are challenging anyone with a promising idea to compete in a clean energy prize competition—students, engineers, builders, inventors, community organizations, and more. National lab experts will help you along your journey. It’s the lowest barrier to DOE funding. Apply to a prize competition with DOE’s clean energy innovation hub, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Pick a prize and compete! All innovators are welcome!
American-Made Challenges
Visit the main portal for DOE prizes and competitions.
The American-Made Network
Discover resources and connections once you’ve joined a competition.
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Submit your application for a prize or competition.
Prize Sponsorship
Contact American-Made Challenges to learn more about sponsorship options.

News About EERE Prizes and Competitions