The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is working to build a clean energy economy that benefits all Americans. Learn about our work in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation, and how you can become a Clean Energy Champion.

About EERE

Why Clean Energy Matters
Transitioning the United States to a clean energy economy enhances economic growth, energy independence, and the health and well-being of the American people.
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Renewable Energy
EERE's applied research, development, and demonstration activities aim to make renewable energy cost-competitive with traditional sources of energy. Learn more about EERE's work in geothermal, solar, wind, and water power.
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Buildings and Industry
Learn about EERE's buildings and industry research and development in advanced materials and manufacturing, building technologies, and industrial efficiency and decarbonization.
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Sustainable Transportation and Fuels
Learn about EERE's work in bioenergy, hydrogen and fuel cells, and vehicles to increase access to domestic, clean transportation fuels and improve the energy efficiency, convenience, and affordability of transporting people and goods.
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Clean Energy in Action


Myth Busting with EERE

Whether you’re choosing to power your home with clean energy or discussing the benefits of renewables with family and friends, we have you covered.

Join us as we dispel some myths and misconceptions about clean energy.