Iceland: Dynamic Geology & Climate Change | Global Family Travels
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A Transformative Adventure to inspire Climate Action!

Immerse in Iceland's Dynamic Geology:
A Transformative Adventure to Inspire Climate Change 

Join us on this family-friendly adventure in Iceland that will have you immersed in living science, giving you opportunities to explore the beauty of this ever-changing landscape and learn firsthand about Iceland’s geothermal and volcanic activity, as well as how Iceland has harnessed its natural resources. This impactful adventure has both group and custom dates for you to choose from!


With an expert guide at your side, you will learn how climate change has affected Iceland’s geography and wildlife, witnessing how nature reacts to the retreat of a glacier and volcano eruptions, as well as learn how the changing ocean temperatures have threatened some of the local wildlife.  By the time you leave Iceland you will truly know the impacts of climate change, how to treat the environment in a sustainable way and hopefully have some ideas about what you personally can do to minimize your impact and help mitigate climate change. 

Global Family Travels is mitigating our impact on the planet by supporting Tomorrow's Air, helping to accelerating the development of carbon removal with permanent storage.  This trip is also a Transformational Travel trip, designed to help you learn and grow and transform, acting as a catalysts for personal transformation and new lifestyle choices. 


Customized Dates

Below are some of the highlights of this Icelandic adventure:  


  • Learn about Iceland’s volcanic activity and geothermal history. This is science and history merged into one in the rawest way imaginable, as you see lava pouring over ice. 

  • While walking and riding snow mobiles across sea level glaciers, you will explore their features and learn how they provide the best historical indicators for how the environment with rising worldwide temperatures. 

  • Witness whales in their natural habitat at a respectful distance and learn how the whale watching industry is combating the whaling hunting fleet

  • Learn about the natural habitats of these puffins, whose population has dropped by 20% since the start of the century due to changing ocean temperatures placing them on the vulnerable species list. 

  • Enjoy a meal in a geothermal greenhouse and learn how affordable and effective this abundant energy source can feed a nation. 

  • Learn all about how Iceland has harnessed its natural resources and how it has gone from being heavily reliant on oil import to being a heavily renewable energy use country

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