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Data Insights Can Help Drive Healthy and Productive Buildings

Sponsored From Siemens Smart Infrastructure USA. With Americans spending more than 90% of their time indoors, there is an even brighter spotlight placed on building health. Indoor air quality takes center stage, with viruses, bacteria, other pathogens, and even allergens…

Strengthening Resiliency through Building Design

2021 is beginning with the suite of COVID-19 vaccines. As the world clamors to immunize against the pandemic, we turn to the concept of immunization: comprehensive protection against a particular illness. It makes me wonder about the idea of vaccines…

How Sustainable Design Choices Affect Noise Control

Sustainable design has brought both benefits and challenges to mechanical noise control efforts. From equipment selection to HVAC path sound attenuation, and mechanical trends to architectural trends, these changes are influencing mechanical designs and the associated acoustical results.

Alberici Headquarters, Overland, Mo.

The story of the Alberici Corporate Headquarters is one of transformation. It is the transformation of a company whose prior headquarters consisted of mostly private offices within a four-story building that had minimal daylighting into an office environment with open work stations organized around three atria to foster communication and collaboration, all with ample daylight and views.

Passive Building On The Rise

Passive building is a design methodology defined by a set of principles that prioritize energy conservation and best practices. Together, these principles produce a product where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Alys Beach, Florida

Florida residents are well aware of the dangers posed by the coastal environment. Rising sea levels, flooding from rain events or tidal surge, drought-induced wildfires, and high wind events, including hurricanes, must be taken into consideration for community planning and sustainable development designs.

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