Case Studies

Lakeside Senior Apartments, Oakland, Calif.

The Lakeside Senior Apartments in Oakland, Calif., provide 91 permanently affordable homes for low-income and formerly homeless seniors, many of whom had been displaced by rising Bay Area housing costs.

Roof and Wall Insulation

Company: Atlas Roofing Corporation Product: ACFoam NH and EnergyShield NH Atlas Roofing Corporation announces the addition of ACFoam NH and EnergyShield NH. These non-halogenated polyiso roof and wall insulation products contain no halogenated flame retardants, providing additional environmentally friendly options…

Cellular Glass Insulation

Company: Owens Corning Product: FOAMGLAS FOAMGLAS cellular glass from Owens Corning for mission-critical commercial roofs is engineered to provide redundancy and stability to the roof membrane, even under sustained stress. The insulation supports a broad spectrum of high-performing applications and…

United States Courthouse, Los Angeles

The design of the new United States Courthouse in downtown Los Angeles is modern in spirit yet rooted in classic principles of federal architecture. It features processional steps, grand public spaces and enduring finish materials that give it a strong civic identity.

Rocky Mountain Institute Innovation Center, Basalt, Colo.

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) is a nonprofit dedicated to transforming global energy use to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future. Therefore, when RMI needed a new office and convening center for 50 employees in the mountain community of Basalt, Colo., they seized the opportunity to practice what they preached with a state-of-the-art building that achieved an unprecedented level of integration, automation, and performance.

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