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Awards 2021

Announcing the honorees of the 7th ISGAN Award of Excellence in ‘Future-Proofing the Grid Operation via Advanced Digitalisation & IoT’


ISGAN Award of Excellence

Each year, in partnership with the Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF), The International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) presents the Annual ISGAN Award of Excellence (AoE) to recognize excellence in smart grid projects, policies, and programs around the world. ISGAN brings together 26 countries from across five continents and the European Commission to advance the development and deployment of smarter, cleaner, and more flexible electricity grids around the world. The ISGAN Award of Excellence seeks to leverage leadership and innovation in smart grids to accelerate the global exchange of best practices and promote replication or adaptation of proven concepts in other markets, countries, and regions. By providing a showcase for exemplars in the global smart grid community, the Award also draws attention to the value offered by smart grid systems.

The 2021 ISGAN Award of Excellence recognizes exemplars in the field of smart grids with a special focus on “Future-Proofing the Grid Operation via Advanced Digitalisation & IoT”.

Competition at a Glance

For the Seventh Annual ISGAN Award of Excellence competition, a wide range of smart grid project nominations were received. The winning projects were selected by an independent, international jury of smart grid experts, led by Mr. Reji Pillai Kumar, Executive Director of the Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF). The jury selected the winning projects based on the following five criteria: potential impact, economic rationale, the potential for replication and adaptation, innovation, and other benefits.

Winning Projects

The following projects were selected as 2021 winning projects. More details here.

Smart Energy Project

Saint John Energy (Canada)

(Partner Organizations)

– Open Systems International, University of New Brunswick

Eu-Sysflex German Demonstration


(Partner Organizations)

– E.ON, Fraunhofer IEE

Members of the Jury

Our grateful thanks to the members of the 2021 ISGAN Award of Excellence jury for contributing their time and expertise to the evaluation process!

Reji Kumar Pillai (India), Jury Chair

– Chairman, Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF)

– President, India Smart Grid Forum

Kentaro Akiyama (Japan)

–Professor, Seijoh University

-Advisor, Japan Smart Community Alliance

Cheong Kam Hoong (Malaysia)

– Industry Advisor of Tunku Abdul Rahman University

– GSEF Ambassador (Asia)

Marc Boillot (France)

– Founder and CEO of Algorus Consulting

– GSEF Ambassador (Europe & Africa)

Valerie-Anne Lencznar (France)

– Vice-chair of GSEF

– Managing Director of Think SmartGrid

Ravi Sweethapathy (Canada)

– Industry Advisor

– GSEF Ambassador (Americas)

Robert George Stephen(South Africa)

– Academic specialist advisor of Kwa Zulu Natal University

– Former President of CIGRE

Steve Hauser

– Secretary-Treasurer of GSEF

– Former CEO of the GridWise Alliance

Mark F. McGranaghan

– Fellow of Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Europe

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