Coal Industry Advisory Board – Structure - IEA

Coal Industry Advisory Board


The Coal Industry Advisory Board (CIAB) is a group of high level executives from coal-related industrial enterprises, established by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in July 1979 to provide advice to the IEA on a wide range of issues relating to coal.

Currently, CIAB Members are drawn from 13 countries accounting for just under 80% of world coal production and coal consumption. Members are drawn from major coal producers, electricity producers, other coal consuming industries and coal related organisations. Mr. Earl Melamed, Head of Global Coal Assets, Glencore, is the CIAB Chairman and is supported by an Executive Committee.

Meetings of the CIAB

Members meet annually and their Associates actively progress the CIAB work programme throughout the year. The CIAB is supporting the IEA in delivering coal aspects of its work to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy.

The CIAB provides a wide range of advice to the IEA, including through its workshop proceedings, publications and papers. In particular, the CIAB has submitted industry recommendations to the IEA to encourage the deployment of CCS technology across the globe based on lessons learned in Australia, China, the United Kingdom and the United States. The CIAB also summarises recent coal policy developments, together with its policy advice to the IEA.

The proceedings of recent annual CIAB Plenary meeting discussions cover the following topics:
