Faster and Further: Canada’s Methane Strategy – Policies - IEA

Faster and Further: Canada’s Methane Strategy

Last updated: 10 February 2023

In line with Canada's 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, Canada issued a Methane Strategy in September 2022 outlining reduction measures and supporting programs to reduce domestic methane emissions by more than 35% by 2030, compared to 2020.

The strategy covers federal efforts to: (1) improve monitoring and reporting of methane emissions from the three main emitting sectors (oil and gas, agriculture, and waste); (2) mitigation actions for methane sources from oil and gas, landfills, agriculture, coal mining, buildings, and transportation; (3) create economic opportunities in the  methane technology sector; (4) support early, ambitious and sustained international action to rapidly reduce global methane emissions and meet the Global Methane Pledge; (5) sustainably manage natural sources and sinks, for example, through protecting marine and coastal areas. 

The strategy references emissions reductions targets for each sector, including a 75% reduction in methane emissions from oil and gas operations from 2012 levels by 2030. Key mitigation actions for this are: the federal methane regulations published in 2018; the Emissions Reduction Fund created to invest in green technologies to lower or eliminate methane and other GHG emissions from the oil and gas sector; and strengthened methane regulations to be published in 2023.

To reduce methane emissions from coal mines, the strategy outlines the following actions: phasing out unabated coal-fired electricity in Canada by 2030; leading a global effort to phase-out coal-powered electricity; and banning thermal coal exports from Canada by 2030.

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