Thermal Regulation - 2012 – Policies - IEA

Thermal Regulation - 2012

Last updated: 11 March 2020

Applicable Building Type(s): New non-residential, Existing non-residential


Policy Requirement Level: Mandatory



Development Authority: Centre Scientifique des Techniques du Batiment, CSTB, on behalf of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Energy

Implementation Authority: Municipalities

Verification Authority: Centre d'Etudes Technique de l'Equipement, CETE

Enforcement Authority: Centre d'Etudes Technique de l'Equipement, CETE


Total performance

The floor area of the building is equal to the sum of the surfaces of each floor level, calculated from the bare interior facades.


Energy Requirements:


Insulation: Average U value = 1/6 of the total floor area

Renewable Energy: More than 5 kWh primary energy/m2.yr


Compliance Softwares:

  • Clima-Win
  • Cypebat
  • DesignBuilder
  • Lesosai
  • Visual TTH
  • ArchiWisard
  • Pleiades& Comfie
  • U22WinRT 2012


End-uses considered: Space cooling, Space heating, Water heating, Lighting interior, Ventilation


Performance Compliance path:

National average primary energy consumption of 50 kWh/m2.yr Requirement on energy needs based on bioclimatic coefficient Requirement on comfort temperature in summer time


See Titre II, Article 11 of Arrêté du 26 octobre 2010 relatif aux caractéristiques thermiques et aux exigences de performance énergétique des bâtiments nouveaux et des parties nouvelles de bâtiments for the total energy use permissible under RT2012 and detailed calculations.

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