Building Code of Australia (Multi-Occupancy Buildings) 2011 – Policies - IEA

Building Code of Australia (Multi-Occupancy Buildings) 2011

Last updated: 14 September 2020
Governance Development Authority: Commonwealth Government - Australian Building Codes Board Implementation Authority: State Government - Minister for Planning. Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Verification Authority: Local Government and the private sector Enforcement Authority: Local Government Prescriptive Compliance path Floor area in relation to a room, means the area of the room measured within the finished surfaces of the walls, incl. areas occupied by built in furniture, fixtures and fittings Energy Requirements: Insulation Class 1 R-Values (m2.K/W) Suspended floor Walls Climate zone 1 1.5 2.8 Climate zone 2 1 2.8 Climate zone 3 1.5 2.8 Climate zone 4 2.25 2.8 Climate zone 5 1 2.8 Climate zone 6 2.25 2.8 Climate zone 7 2.75 2.8 Climate zone 8 3.25 3.8 Windows The aggregate air-conditioning energy value attributable to the glazing must be calculated using the method and criteria specified in tables J2.4a &b Skylights Total area Air Leakage 1.5 ACH Space Heating System Single occupancy (class 1): Heating and cooling loads for model and reference buildings must be calculated by the specified method and criteria (Vol.2 V2.6.2.2) Multi-occupancy (class 2): Annual energy consumption for air conditioning must be calculated with the specified method and criteria (Vol.1 Tables 2a-2g). Water Heating System Greenhouse gas intensity of water heaters must be

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