Clean Energy Transitions Programme 2019 – Analysis - IEA

Clean Energy Transitions Programme 2019

Annual report 2019

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About this report

Since the launch of the Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) in November 2017, the IEA has significantly expanded its work to help accelerate energy transitions in major emerging economies. The CETP has played a critical role in both helping to build global momentum for clean energy transitions and in further strengthening the IEA family.

The CETP Annual Report 2019 summarises the programme’s activities in 2019, highlighting major achievements, successes and outcomes, as well as identifying opportunities for further collaboration with partners and potential partners. It also highlights activities planned for 2020.

The report reflects on the first two years of the CETP and highlights ideas and techniques to achieve even greater progress. The report initially provides an overview of the CETP’s activities, including working methods and results, then presents activities and achievements for each priority country (Brazil, the People’s Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa); priority regions (Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia); and globally.
Executive summary

2019 CETP Highlights

  • 41%: Proportion of global CO2 emissions from fuel combustion emitted by CETP priority countries
  • 36 exchanges with ministers and high-level officials
  • 96 technical exchanges in CETP priority countries
  • 15 capacity-building events
  • 1 709 participants trained
  • 41 reports produced or enhanced
  • 7.2: CETP 2019 budget (in EUR millions)*

*These figures are estimated projections and are provided for information purposes only. Formal financial reports will continue to be provided in established and agreed formats to member countries via the Committee on Budget and Expenditure and to individual donors via financial reports.

CETP progress in 2019

The first two years of the Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) have enabled the IEA to serve its mission more effectively than ever – working with major emerging economies to tackle their greatest obstacles to a clean energy future. 2019 saw us intensify our activities across our priority countries and regions, and in each of our six work streams (including the creation of a seventh).

As a result of the CETP’s activities during the year, we held 36 in-person discussions with government ministers and high-level officials on important energy topics. This enables us to influence the direction and speed of energy transitions in the most significant emerging economies.

Fatih Birol IEA Executive Director Meeting With Several Emerging Economies Ministers And High Level Officials

High-level engagements during the 2019 IEA Ministerial Meeting. IEA All rights reserved.

In our second year, we significantly expanded support to key decision-makers in major emerging countries

As most clean energy transitions require harnessing a mix of already available technologies, we recognise that it is essential to share our knowledge and expertise as widely as possible. In 2019 we held 15 capacity-building events across the world, through projects co‑ordinated by the CETP and led by IEA teams. Our combination of events and online resources trained over 1 709 participants in key aspects of successful energy transitions.

High Level Meetings And Exchanges 2019 Related CETP

Selected IEA analysis produced with priority countries and regions in 2019. IEA All rights reserved.

We cannot be successful unless we listen to and learn from our partner countries. To ensure creative and successful collaboration, we actively engage in deep and sustained partnerships with representatives from governments, regional bodies and other decision makers. This information enhances IEA reports – 41 published or contributed to in 2019 alone. Moreover, our seven co‑ordinators on the ground in target countries ensure that our engagement is as beneficial as possible to everyone involved.

It is our remit to bridge the gap between policy makers’ ambitions for sustainable energy systems and the current reality. We are doing this by bringing ever closer together the IEA’s world-leading energy experts and key decision-makers in our partner countries. This is how the CETP will continue to drive progress towards a clean energy future.

Origin of the CETP

The CETP was launched at the IEA Ministerial Meeting in 2017 to provide independent and cutting-edge technical support to governments whose energy policies will significantly influence the global transition towards a sustainable energy future.

The CETP’s priority countries are Brazil, the People’s Republic of China (hereafter, “China”), India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa – economies that collectively accounted for 41% of CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in 2018 and two-thirds of emissions from developing economies. Our target regions are Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia.

CO2 emissions reductions by measure in the Sustainable Development Scenario relative to the Stated Policies Scenario, 2010-2050


Our mission is to accelerate the transition to clean energy in major emerging economies

These are the countries and regions where the programme can have the greatest impact on progress towards achieving globally-relevant outcomes: reducing energy-related carbon emissions and air pollution, while promoting affordable and secure access to energy services.

The CETP achieved many on-the-ground successes in each of its six work streams in 2019:

  • data and statistics
  • energy efficiency
  • electricity
  • policy advice and modelling
  • sectoral work
  • innovation.

We have a robust programme of planned work for 2020 in all six work streams as well as a new seventh work stream – digitalisation.

The CETP works across the entire IEA organisation, co‑ordinating a number of interrelated projects and cross-sectoral initiatives that are then led by different IEA divisions and units with our target countries.

Under the CETP, our engagements are established on well-founded partnerships with governments, regional organisations and other key actors. We also rely on our close relationship with other organisations to achieve our goals, in particular in-kind support from partner institutions and local agencies when organising training events, workshops and discussions with stakeholders.

In the following paragraphs we present a cross-section of our successes during 2019.

Country overview


Our activities with Brazil were broader and deeper than ever in 2019. In particular, work on data and statistics, energy efficiency and energy innovation took off.

Reliable, accurate and timely data are essential to developing meaningful energy policy. The IEA continued working with Brazil to improve and consolidate the country’s energy data and statistics. Working with Brazilian officials, our focus has been to further understand their current data collection and reporting methodologies and support the development of energy efficiency indicators.

2019 was a year of firsts for co‑operation on energy efficiency with Brazil.

Notably, Brazil became the first country in South America to fill out the IEA’s energy efficiency data questionnaire. As a consequence, the IEA included Brazil in the annual energy efficiency statistical report for the first time.

Our sustained work led to us co-authoring an international benchmarking exercise on energy efficiency in Brazil, published in January 2020. We also launched the IEA online course on energy efficiency indicators in Portuguese, enabling it to reach a wider audience in Brazil.

We also deepened our analytical co-operation with Brazil. Under the Energy Big Push project, we worked with the country to improve public R&D spending data collection and map the country’s energy innovation landscape, to stimulate innovation activities and investment in low-carbon energy sources.

As well as spending time on the ground in Brazil, we also welcomed representatives from a range of Brazilian institutions to events at the IEA in Paris, including the annual energy efficiency policy training week and the workshop on benchmarking energy efficiency indicators.


The IEA’s relationship with China went from strength to strength in 2019, with CETP projects making a significant contribution. We shared global insights on the energy transition with policy makers from China’s key ministries, and gained a better appreciation of the systemic sustainability considerations China faces. We were then able to jointly tackle the challenges of successfully upgrading and optimising China’s energy system, including power market reform.

Cutting-edge analysis is helping to integrate higher shares of renewables in China

The IEA China Power System Transformation report was an important achievement in 2019. It summarises the state of play of power system transformation in China and internationally, and presents tailored analytical output using the findings of a detailed power sector modelling exercise for China. We presented the report to high-level representatives at the China Power System Transformation Workshop in Beijing.

This publication has sparked new initiatives to support China’s clean energy transition. We were invited to collaborate on analysis for the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), and to support pioneering reform pilot zones in their policy formulation.

At the Electricity Market Design Workshop in Beijing we brought together Chinese officials and experts from Latin America and the IEA, who passed on valid experiences from other emerging economies in implementing wholesale electricity markets.

We built on these successes by organising follow-up meetings with officials in Beijing to discuss the formation of a national power market in China and lessons from global experience.


Engagement with India under the CETP was strengthened in 2019 across all six work streams. A highlight of the 2019 activities was the IEA in-depth review of India’s energy policies, entitled India 2020 Energy Policy Review, which highlights their achievements and provides concrete recommendations for the clean energy transition. The report highlights the high priority of continuing work to ensure India’s energy security, given the country’s demand for energy is set to double by 2040 and electricity demand may triple.

Launch Of India 2020 Energy Policy Review

Launch of India 2020 Energy Policy Review. IEA All rights reserved.

In 2019 the energy innovation sector was one of our focal points in India. As part of our in-depth review process, we examined India’s energy innovation landscape and formulated policy recommendations which we presented to the Indian government.

Some of our recommendations, such as enhancing institutional co‑ordination between innovation stakeholders, align well with recent policy discussions and activities in India: the government recently proposed setting up a National Research Foundation, which would pool the country’s R&D resources to ensure effective collaboration across all ministries.

In November we published our discussion paper “Accelerating Innovation beyond 2020 – Focus on India”, which builds on our extensive collaboration and exchanges with Indian officials throughout the year, as well as findings from the India 2020 Energy Policy Review.

The paper draws on recent analysis of the clean energy innovation landscape in India for insights into how to successfully engage with other emerging economies. It provides an overview of the IEA’s work on innovation as part of the clean energy transition, drawing from India’s experiences and success stories to suggest ways forward for policy and decision makers.


The IEA strengthened its partnerships with a number of Indonesian data and statistics institutions in 2019. This is further refining the quality and coverage of Indonesia’s energy data, and builds on several years of work with the energy data and information administration.

In 2019 we focused our activities on supporting the review of data on a number of topics, including biofuels, electricity and renewable energy. We also addressed the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES), data validation and balances, and challenges in data collection. Our work has been supported not only by IEA missions and exchanges in Jakarta, but also with the support of local co-ordinators in Indonesia.

Workshop On Capacity Building In Jakarta Indonesia

Hands-on capacity building and data work with MEMR and APERC in Jakarta, Indonesia. IEA All rights reserved.

Our work with Indonesia is yielding tangible results as it enhances the quality and coverage of energy data

We jointly delivered a training event in Jakarta organised by Indonesia's Data and Information Technology Centre and the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre, strengthening mutual links and clearly defining methodological issues with Indonesia’s energy statistics.

The result has been tangible improvements in energy data and statistics across demand and supply. Our extensive outreach and consultation with data authorities in 2019 is leading to more timely submission and publication of Indonesian energy data: in 2020 the IEA expects to be able to publish Indonesia’s basic energy statistics and balances six months earlier (in February instead of August).


2019 was a highly successful year for the IEA’s engagement with ASEAN, which collectively constitutes the fourth largest economy in the world.

At the ASEAN Minister of Energy Meeting (AMEM) in Singapore in 2018, ministers called for “stronger institutional ties between the IEA and ASEAN” and set out an ambitious joint programme of work to be delivered in 2019 covering regional power trade, cooling efficiency and renewables integration, to support Thailand’s 2019 ASEAN chairmanship (Thailand is one of eight IEA association countries).

This extensive body of work was delivered by the IEA Executive Director to ASEAN ministers at the AMEM in September 2019 in Bangkok, where ministers designated the IEA as a “strategic partner to ASEAN”. Key recommendations made by the IEA were adopted as regional plans, particularly relating to power trade, and ministers called for additional support from the IEA in the areas mentioned above in 2020 to support Viet Nam’s chairmanship.

IEA ASEAN group picture

The 37th ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting in Bangkok. IEA All rights reserved.

Through in-depth analysis and participation in IEA-led and ASEAN forums, we provided the following:

  • An assessment of current cooling-related energy demand in ASEAN, and the definition of a pathway to more sustainable cooling based on no-cost policy interventions, as set out in the report The Future of Cooling in Southeast Asia.
  • Analysis of the potential for ASEAN renewables integration, based on assessment of the capacity of regional power system integration to accommodate a growing share of variable renewables.
  • A comprehensive report on establishing multilateral power trade in ASEAN, setting out clear guidelines on how this might be pursued and the building blocks required to achieve it.

In addition, the IEA published the biennial Southeast Asia Energy Outlook in October 2019, which was also presented to ASEAN ministers of energy. The outlook provides a comprehensive picture of Southeast Asia’s energy future, featuring reports on cooling, power trade and investment.

Scaling-up the initiative

Sharing experiences

Our partner countries have much to gain from sharing their experiences with one another, in addition to engaging directly with the IEA. Demonstrating this, in 2019 we brought Chinese and Indian officials together to discuss policy on space cooling.

The focus of this initiative was the international workshop on Energy Efficient Cooling in New Delhi, where we facilitated the participation of representatives from various Chinese expert institutions. The workshop was jointly organised by the IEA, the Indian Bureau of Energy Efficiency and the Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial.

Delegates shared updates on progress with cooling action plans, new policies and research, and discussed the steps needed to accelerate more efficient space cooling and cold chains.

Officials from China and India also shared policy experience on cooling at IEA Energy Efficiency Policy in Emerging Economies Training Weeks.

This exchange of experience has been particularly valuable for developing and implementing national cooling action plans.

The first two years of the Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) have enabled the IEA to serve its mission more effectively than ever – working with major emerging economies to tackle their greatest obstacles to a clean energy future. 2019 saw us intensify our activities across our priority countries and regions, and in each of our six work streams (including the creation of a seventh).


In 2019 the IEA delivered training to 1 709 people through CETP-related activities. Training is central to the programme, transferring state-of-the-art knowledge and techniques so that priority countries have the practical means to implement energy transitions.

Among the many training events, the IEA held its first ever training week on energy efficiency policy in sub-Saharan Africa in Pretoria, South Africa. Our course brought together about 150 policy makers from 33 countries to equip them with the knowledge and skills to deliver effective energy efficiency initiatives in their respective countries. The next training week is expected to take place in Viet Nam in 2020, as part of their role as 2020 ASEAN Chair.

Iea Holds Energy Efficiency Training Week In Paris 190520

Policy training: Energy Efficiency in Emerging Economies. IEA All rights reserved.

We also organised four webinars to assist South Africa in the development of its new energy performance certificate programme. In each of the webinars, delegates from four IEA member countries – Australia, Estonia, Portugal and Spain – presented their experiences and shared best practice examples. This proved to be very successful as a knowledge-sharing exercise.

In Latin America the IEA continued work to reach policy makers and statisticians by producing ten statistics videos in Spanish, which provide in-depth knowledge on energy statistics. This activity encourages countries in the region to improve their methodologies, in turn enhancing global energy statistics.

With the significant contribution of the IEA’s energy efficiency contractor in Mexico, we developed a massive open online course (MOOC) on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in 2019 together with CAF. The 40-hour course is dedicated to training students and professionals in the efficiency and sustainability of buildings. Launched in English, the course is due to be launched in Spanish and Portuguese in 2020.

Finally, the IEA also partnered with the ASEAN Centre for Energy in 2019 to develop the ASEAN–IEA Webinar Series. The webinars focus on the multiple benefits that energy efficiency can deliver to households, businesses and to the energy system as a whole.

Support for the CETP

The CETP is supported by 13 IEA member governments and other partners: the United Kingdom (GBP 9 million; ~EUR 10 million); Italy (EUR 6.5 million plus a secondment to the IEA); Sweden (SEK 50 million; ~EUR 5.2 million); the European Commission (EUR 3.5 million); Denmark (DKK 25 million; ~EUR 3.4 million up to 2020); the Netherlands (EUR 2.6 million); the Agence Française de Développement (EUR 1.4 million); Germany (EUR 1.38 million); Switzerland (CHF 1 million; ~EUR 850 000); Canada (CAD 1.219 million; ~EUR 820 000); Japan (EUR 480 000 in 2018); Finland (EUR 45 000); New Zealand (EUR 10 000); and Australia.

Benefits to the entire IEA family

Through the CETP, the IEA has been able to help key governments around the world advance towards their clean energy goals, thus creating benefits for all. The IEA family as a whole has benefited from:

  • Improved global data and statistics.
  • The IEA’s strengthened role as a global hub on a full range of clean energy technologies.
  • Deepened relationships between an array of influential partners.
  • The greater sharing of lessons from around the world.

Looking ahead

Even if the latest data show that global energy-related CO2 emissions flatlined in 2019, much remains to be done. For example, as explored in our Market Report on Energy Efficiency 2019, progress on energy efficiency has recently decelerated.

There is no single or simple solution to tackling climate change. If we are to realise the CETP’s mission of finding implementable solutions, we will need an ambitious grand coalition spanning governments, investors, companies and everyone else committed to tackling climate change. This is what the CETP is creating.

The CETP will continue to tackle the challenges identified by our partners, using the outstanding resources available to us within the IEA Secretariat and beyond. In 2020 we will build on the extensive work done in the past two years and launch new activities to accelerate the transition to clean energy.

CETP Side Event During Iea 2019 Ministerials

“Clean Energy Transitions” side event during the IEA 2019 Ministerial Meeting. IEA All rights reserved.