Privacy Policy - Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide

Privacy Policy

In deference to the privacy policy that had you refer to Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide(JASE-World), we regard that we protect the personal information of the visitor carefully as an important duty. On our website, we observe laws and ordinances about the personal information protection and act with the following posture about a privacy policy.


1.How your personal information is used

When we have the personal information from a visitor, we use it only for an answer or a purpose to support or a purpose to exhibit beforehand when we have you provide personal information for the inquiry from a visitor and a demand. we cannot use the personal information of the visitor other than these fair purposes without permission.


2.Offer to a third party

The personal information that had provide it from a visitor except each following cases to any third party there cannot be disclosure or the thing contributing it.

1) When refer and disclose it in business partner of our meeting in conjunction with demand contents, duties trust ahead I make an appropriate reply or to cope for an inquiry or a demand

2) When we contribute it to the third party who stated it clearly beforehand when we have you offer personal information

3) When the offer to a third party is accepted by other Personal Information Protection Laws when it is based on laws and ordinances or when we have a visitor consent


Site Terms of Use

This agreement determined a basic matter when Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide(JASE-World). When you have you use our site, please read this agreement by all means. In addition, there is the thing that this agreement revises it without the notice to a member as needed. Please confirm the latest contents that our site is placed in our page in the case of the use. When a member uses our site, it should be the thing which we consent to the latest Terms of Use, and was agreed to.


1.Prohibition act

When you use our site, we forbid performing the following acts. We will bear compensation responsibility in all of damage by any chance when the damage occurs by the violation of the member.

(1) The act that Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World), property, privacy or a right of likeness or the act that I might infringe.

(2) The act that the person except the member of Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) pretends to be a member, and world energy saving uses our site.

(3) It is an act to put in the state that I interfere with a function of the software of the computer, hardware and the communications equipment and transmit destruction or a harmful computer program limiting, and others can receive.

(4) An act that Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide accesses facilities (communication facilities, a computer, other apparatuses to use to run Web and software) for all Web management that Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) provides in no authority and gives administration a trouble and the act that I might give you.

(5) Act against public order and morals

(6) Act to be tied to a criminal act and a criminal act in violation of laws and ordinances

(7) Act to hurt other users, a third party, an act to slander our site, and to slander and honor, trust

(8) Act to interfere with the administration of our site

(9) Act to send the information that is not a fact to

(10) In addition, the act that our site judges to be inappropriate


2.Copyright, trademark

When you use our site, we forbid performing the following acts.

(1) As for the world energy saving, as for the publication information () which contents including a trademark, a document, a photograph, an illustration, an animation, the software lower than (mean) in Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) website, the copyright (or intellectual property rights) belongs to the general corporate judicial person Japan cartridge recycling industry society (AJCR) without clear statement in particular.

(2) We quote world energy saving about all or part of the contents in the website other than Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) member and reprint it and cannot reproduce it. When the media, the business partner of the member hope for quotation, replication, we shall get the consent from general corporate judicial person Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) beforehand.


3.Communication to a member

When Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) makes a decision needing the notice to a member or communication, you perform world energy saving using an E-mail, a telephone or mail. When a member judges communication to be necessary for our site, you shall perform it using an E-mail, a telephone or mail likewise.


4.Immunity from responsibility and others

(1) The contents of the service that Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) provides world energy saving limit world energy saving to the thing whichJapanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) can provide at that point.

(2) About a document, an image, software, link or other various data, the information that the business promotion meeting (JASE-World) places world energy saving in our site, I do not take any responsibility about the integrity, accuracy, reliability, availability. In addition, about the damage that a link produced by the use such as various data, the information acquired from other sites done setting (I include the link from our site) in our site and our site, we shall not take responsibility at all either.

(3) The public corporate judicial person Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) shall not carry compensation for damages duty on its back even if available when the damage occurs to a member due to the injustice access of a case and the others whom an obstacle produced in a system by the trouble that occurred in communication environment or the computer environment, abuse without taking responsibility to any.

(4) Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-World) changes all or part of contents to place in our site to the member without a prior notice, and world energy saving stops or may stop it.


5.Agreement competent court

When a dispute occurs about this agreement, we assume Tokyo District Court an exclusive agreement competent court of the first trial.

Website Analytics with Google Analytics

This website utilises Google Analytics 4, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC, after obtaining user consent. The relevant controllers are Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland, for users from the EU/EEA and Switzerland. Google Analytics 4 practices IP anonymisation by default, meaning your IP address is instantly shortened when interacting with this website. Only under rare circumstances will your full IP be transferred to a US-based Google server and shortened there. Google maintains that the IP transferred via Google Analytics will never be combined with other Google data. Google Analytics 4 only activates upon your approval via the cookie banner, and can be undone anytime through the cookie settings.

Data processed includes: usage data such as page views, website interaction, general location, and visit duration; and communication data like shortened IP addresses, user agent, language preference and screen resolution. The purpose of this data processing is for Google to evaluate your website use on behalf of the website operator, compile reports on activity and analyze site performance. This data processing is legal, based on your consent under Art. 6 para.1 p.1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 p.1 TDDDG.

Google Ireland Limited, Google LLC and Alphabet Inc are the recipients of this data. Your website usage information is typically sent to a Google server in the U.S., an action legitimized by the European Commission's recent adequacy decision from July 10th, 2023, which recognizes Google LLC's certification under the EU-US Privacy Framework. In terms of data storage, any data linked to cookies is automatically deleted after a certain period of time, which is monthly for data that has reached its retention period, and a maximum of 2 years for Google Analytics cookies.

For more information on Google Analytics' terms of use and Google's privacy policy, please visit {link}{link-ende} and {link}{link-ende}

Google Analytics verwendet sog. "Cookies", Textdateien, die auf dem Computer des Seitenbesuchers gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch den Seitenbesucher ermöglichen. Die durch das Cookie erzeugten Informationen über die Benutzung dieser Website durch den Seitenbesucher (einschließlich der gekürzten IP-Adresse) werden in der Regel an einen Server von Google übertragen und dort gespeichert.

Google Analytics wird ausschließlich mit der Erweiterung "_anonymizeIp()" auf dieser Website verwendet. Diese Erweiterung stellt eine Anonymisierung der IP-Adresse durch Kürzung sicher und schließt eine direkte Personenbeziehbarkeit aus. Durch die Erweiterung wird die IP-Adresse von Google innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum zuvor gekürzt. Nur in Ausnahmefällen wird die volle IP-Adresse an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gekürzt. Die im Rahmen von Google Analytics von dem entsprechenden Browser übermittelte IP-Adresse wird nicht mit anderen Daten von Google zusammengeführt.

Im Auftrag des Seitenbetreibers wird Google die anfallenden Informationen benutzen, um die Nutzung der Website auszuwerten, um Reports über die Websiteaktivitäten zusammenzustellen und um weitere mit der Websitenutzung und der Internetnutzung verbundene Dienstleistungen dem Seitenbetreiber gegenüber zu erbringen (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO). Das berechtigte Interesse an der Datenverarbeitung liegt in der Optimierung dieser Website, der Analyse der Benutzung der Website und der Anpassung der Inhalte. Die Interessen der Nutzer werden durch die Pseudonymisierung hinreichend gewahrt.

Google LLC. ist nach dem sog. Privacy Shield zertifiziert (Listeneintrag hier) und gewährleistet auf dieser Basis ein angemessenes Datenschutzniveau. Die gesendeten und mit Cookies, Nutzerkennungen (z. B. User-ID) oder Werbe-IDs verknüpften Daten werden nach 50 Monaten automatisch gelöscht. Die Löschung von Daten, deren Aufbewahrungsdauer erreicht ist, erfolgt automatisch einmal im Monat.

Die Erfassung durch Google Analytics kann verhindert werden, indem der Seitenbesucher die Cookie-Einstellungen für diese Website anpasst. Der Erfassung und Speicherung der IP-Adresse und der durch Cookies erzeugten Daten kann außerdem jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widersprochen werden. Das entsprechende Browser- Plugin kann unter dem folgenden Link heruntergeladen und installiert werden:

The website visitor can prevent data collection via Google Analytics on this website by clicking here. An "Opt-out Cookie" shall then be applied which shall prevent any future collection of the site visitors data when visiting this website.

Weitere Informationen zur Datennutzung durch Google, Einstellungs- und Widerspruchsmöglichkeiten, finden sich in der Datenschutzerklärung von Google ( sowie in den Einstellungen für die Darstellung von Werbeeinblendungen durch Google (

Spam Protection with Google reCAPTCHA

We have implemented Google reCAPTCHA in forms on our website to check whether the data entered in the forms comes from human visitors or from machines or automated programs, also known as “bots”. This tool automatically analyzes the behavior of website visitors as soon as they interact with the website using various information like IP address, length of stay, and mouse movements. The data processed includes usage data such as the website accessed, date and time of access, and mouse movements, as well as communication data like IP addresses, browser type, and operating system. This processing is targeted at website visitors and users of online services. The primary purpose of this processing is to prevent the misuse of our contact form, thereby enhancing security. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest according to Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. GDPR. The data recipients include Google Ireland Ltd, based at Google Building Gordon House, Barrow St, Dublin 4, Ireland, ( and our website hosting provider. While your personal data is processed within the EU, the retention time for the processed data is determined by Google Ireland Limited. Additional information can be found in the Google reCAPTCHA privacy policy:

Website Analytics (Jimdo Statistics)

When you visit our website, we collect information about your usage through a web analytics tool provided by our hosting service. This tool collects and combines your IP address and user agent, shortens it and stores this data using a hash function. This process creates a visitor identifier that is encrypted with a randomly generated value (SALT) that changes every 24 hours. This method ensures that your IP address cannot be reconstructed from the stored visitor identifier, thus maintaining your anonymity. In addition, we do not merge this information with any other data and it is stored only on the hosting provider's server.

We also process web analytics data, HTTP data and web analytics profile data. The web analytics tool we use creates and stores a web analytics profile, which includes details about your use of the website, such as page views, visit frequency, time spent on each page, and the user agent of your device. This includes usage data (such as web pages visited and access times) and communication data (such as browser type, operating system and IP addresses).

Our purpose in processing this data is to analyse user behaviour in aggregate form in order to improve the presentation and content of our website. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. (f) GDPR), in particular in carrying out web measurements in order to improve our products and website.

The data collected is shared with our website hosting provider and processed within the EU.