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Department of Justice Coronavirus Response

Actions Taken by the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General

Actions Taken by the Department

National Center for Disaster Fraud

The National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) is the result of a partnership between the U.S. Department of Justice and various law enforcement and regulatory agencies to form a national coordinating agency within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice to improve and further the detection, prevention, investigation, and prosecution of fraud related to natural and man-made disasters, and to advocate for the victims of such fraud.

Administrative Relief for DOJ Grant Recipients and Applicants Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID—19)

The Department of Justice recognizes the many challenges that DOJ award recipients are experiencing during the COVID-19 national emergency.  On March 19, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued OMB memorandum M-20-17, Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations,” affording Federal awarding agencies additional flexibilities to provide administrative relief to funding recipients affected by the loss of operational capacity and increased costs due to the COVID-19 national emergency.  Relief for various administrative, financial management, and audit requirements under 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards can be found below for DOJ’s three grant making agencies.  In addition, these links provide other relevant information and answers to frequently asked questions by recipients and sub-recipients impacted by the COVID-19 national emergency and may be updated as new information becomes available:

Please keep in mind that in accordance with M-20-17, exceptions to 2 CFR Part 200 are time-limited and the flexibilities afforded to Federal awarding agencies will be reassessed by OMB within 90 days of the issuance of its memo.

Antitrust Division

Collusion and Anticompetitive Conduct following the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the wake of devastation caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, federal agencies will be working with state and local government agencies to solicit competitive bids for relief and recovery contracts. Collusion and anticompetitive conduct that subvert the competitive bidding process include:

  • Bid rigging: Two or more firms agree to bid in such a way that a designated firm submits the winning bid.
  • Price fixing: Two or more competing sellers agree on what prices to charge, such as by agreeing that they will increase prices a certain amount or that they won't sell below a certain price.
  • Customer or market allocation: Two or more firms agree to split up customers, such as by geographic area, to reduce or eliminate competition.

These agreements are generally secret, and the participants defraud customers by holding themselves out as competitors despite their agreement not to compete. They harm consumers and taxpayers by causing them to pay more for products and services and by depriving them of other byproducts of true competition.

Related document: Preventing and Detecting Bid Rigging, Price Fixing, and Market Allocation in Post-Disaster Rebuilding Projects

The Procurement Collusion Strike Force's Role in Pandemic Recovery Efforts 

The Department of Justice’s Procurement Collusion Strike Force is committed to working with Federal, state, and local government agencies in the wake of the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to deter, detect, investigate, and prosecute violations of criminal antitrust laws, such as bid rigging and collusion in the competitive bidding process.

  • Training: Strike Force attorneys and agents are available to provide in-person and virtual training to other law enforcement agents, auditors, and procurement personnel to assist them in identifying and preventing collusion and fraud in the competitive bidding process.
  • Enforcement: If collusive conduct is discovered, the Strike Force stands ready to investigate and criminally prosecute the individuals and corporations seeking to unjustly profit from these tragedies.

Bureau of Prisons

Increasing Use of Home Confinement at Institutions Most Affected by COVID-19

Prioritization of Home Confinement As Appropriate in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

BOP Implementing Modified Operations

Civil Rights Division

During the challenges presented by COVID-19, the Civil Rights Division remains committed to prosecuting hate crimes to the fullest extent of the law.   To learn more about the Department’s work combatting hate crimes, report a hate crime, or request community support in the wake of a hate crime, please visit the Department’s hate crimes website.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Diversion Control Division

During this National Emergency the Diversion Control Division will continue to work with our Federal partners, DEA registrants, and their representative association to assure that there is an adequate supply of controlled substances in the United States. The DEA will also work to assure that patients will have access to controlled substances.

Executive Office for Immigration Review

Operational Status During Coronavirus Pandemic

Federal Bureau of Investigation

As the United States and the world deal with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the FBI's national security and criminal investigative work continues. The FBI urges everyone to remain vigilant as threats related to the pandemic arise. Use the resources on this page to help keep yourself and your family safe from these threats.

National Institute of Corrections

NIC COVID-19 information

September 11th Victim Compensation Fund

Impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on VCF Operations

U.S. Trustee Program

U.S. Trustee Program Acts Quickly to Protect Public Health and Ensure Effective Functioning of the Bankruptcy System During COVID-19 Emergency

Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of related crime throughout the world, OPDAT provides foreign counterparts with tailored assistance and case-based mentoring – within the scope of its authorized activities – to help detect, investigate and prosecute wrongdoing related to the pandemic. Specifically, OPDAT helps counterparts combat: cyber-enabled crime and intellectual property crime, public-procurement corruption, gender-based / domestic violence and the spread of COVID-19.

OPDAT Provides COVID-19 Related Technical Assistance to Partner Countries

Updated November 22, 2022