INTERPOL Washington | FOIA Library Skip to main content

FOIA Library

FOIA-Processed Documents

Documents in this category have been disclosed, in full or with redactions, pursuant to previous FOIA requests. In addition to posting "frequently requested records," or those which have been released three or more times to FOIA requesters, INTERPOL Washington also posts other FOIA-processed documents which are likely to be of interest to the public.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Justice Pertaining to U.S. Membership in the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), Management of the INTERPOL-U.S. National Central Bureau, and Related Matters (Signed on July 19, 2010)

INTERPOL Legal Materials

DOJ Reference Guide 

DOJ FOIA Regulations

FOIA Annual Reports


Partial redactions have been applied to the following FOIA logs listed by Fiscal Year (FY) pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, § 552, (b)(6), of the FOIA. Exemption (b)(6) of the FOIA concerns material the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy of third parties.

FY2023  |  FY2022  |  FY2021  |  FY2020  |  FY2019  |  FY2018 |  FY2017 |  FY2016 |  FY2015 |  FY2014  | FY2013  |  FY2012  |  FY2011FY2010 |  FY2008 - 2009  |  FY2007  |  FY2006


INTERPOL Washington System of Records Notice

Major Information System (PDF)

INTERPOL Washington recognizes the documents provided in this library may not be in an accessible format. If you have a disability and the format of any material on the site interferes with your ability to access some information, please contact INTERPOL Washington.

Updated January 9, 2024