Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) | Solicitation Release Plan Skip to main content

Solicitation Release Plan

FY 2024 Solicitation Release Plan

The chart below reflects the Office on Violence Against Women’s (OVW) anticipated FY 2024 solicitation release plan, which is subject to change. This plan is based on the appropriations received by in FY 2023.

Please note: in order to make timely funding decisions, OVW may release solicitations pending enactment of a full-year FY 2024 appropriation. Once an FY 2024 appropriation has been enacted, a program’s solicitation may be cancelled if the program does not receive an appropriation.

Applicants should review each program’s solicitation for detailed information regarding eligibility and application requirements. If a program’s FY 2024 solicitation has not yet been published, potential applicants can review the program’s FY 2023 solicitation on the OVW Closed Solicitation page to get a basic understanding of the program’s purpose and requirements. However, please note that solicitation requirements can change from year to year, and closed solicitations should not be used as templates when developing FY 2024 proposals. For general information about requirements across OVW’s grant programs, please review the OVW Solicitation Companion Guide, and the General Terms and Conditions for OVW awards. Once an FY 2024 solicitation has been released, it can be found on or on the OVW Open Solicitations Page.

Discretionary Programs

Program Name Assistance Listing Number Estimated Solicitation Release Type of Applicants Anticipated Application Due Date Competition Anticipated Peer Review Type Estimated Peer Review Date
Demonstration Program on Trauma-Informed, Victim-Centered Training for Law Enforcement on Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking (Abby Honold)   16.058  2/20/2024  New  4/1/2024  Full External In Person  5/6/2024 
Electronic Service of Protection Orders Court Pilot Program  16.062  3/1/2024  New 4/12/2024  Full  TBD  5/13/2024 
Enhancing Investigation and Prosecution (EIP) of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Initiative (a.k.a. the Policing and Prosecution Initiative under the Grants to Improve the Criminal Justice Response Program)  16.590 2/20/2024 New 4/29/2024 Full External Online 6/3/2024
Financial Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking  16.063 1/16/2024 New 3/12/2024 Full TBD 4/29/2024
Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program  16.016 2/20/2024 New and Continuation 4/10/2024 Full External Online 6/3/2024
Grants to Engage Men and Boys as Allies in the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls Program  16.888 1/30/2024 New and Continuation 3/25/2024 Full External In Person 5/6/2024
Grants to Prevent and Respond to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Sex Trafficking Against Children and Youth Program  16.888 1/30/2024 New and Continuation 3/25/2024 Full External In Person 5/6/2024
Grants to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking on Campus Program  16.525 2/20/2024 New and Continuation 4/5/2024 Full External Online 5/6/2024
Grants to Tribal Governments Program  16.587 2/1/2024 New and Continuation 4/24/2024 Full External Online 6/3/2024
Grants to Tribal Governments Program – Strengthening Tribal Advocacy Responses Track (START)  16.587 2/1/2024 New 4/24/2024 TBD TBD 6/3/2024
Grants for Outreach and Services to Underserved Populations Program  16.889 2/6/2024 New and Continuation 3/26/2024 Full External In Person 5/20/2024
Grants to Improve the Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program  16.590 2/20/2024 New and Continuation 4/29/2024 Full External In Person 6/3/2024
Justice for Families Program  16.021 12/8/2023 New and Continuation 1/30/2024 Full External In Person 2/26/2024
Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program  16.524 12/14/2023 New and Continuation 2/13/2024 Full External Online/External In Person 4/1/2024
Legal Assistance for Victims: Expanding Legal Services Initiative  16.524 12/14/2023 New 2/13/2024 Full External Online/External In Person 4/1/2024
Local Law Enforcement Grants for Enforcement of Cybercrimes Against Individuals  16.060 1/31/2024 New 3/19/2024 Full External Online 4/29/2024
National Resource Center on Cybercrimes Against Individuals  16.061 1/31/2024 New 3/25/2024 Full External Online 5/6/2024
Pilot Program to Improve Victim Services on College Campuses  16.029 1/9/2024 New 3/11/2024 Full External Online 5/6/2024
Research and Evaluation Initiative  16.026 2/8/2024 New 4/9/2024 Full External Online 5/20/2024
Resource Center on Workplace Responses to Assist Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence  16.028 3/6/2024 New 4/29/2024 Full External Online 6/3/2024
Restorative Practices Pilot Program  16.052 3/12/2024 New 4/23/2024 Full TBD 6/3/2024
Restorative Practices Technical Assistance Pilot Program Invitation to Apply  16.052 11/20/2023 New 1/8/2024 Invitation Only TBD 2/26/2024
Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Program  16.589 2/15/2024 New and Continuation 3/21/2024 Full External Online 5/6/2024
Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program  16.023 2/14/2024 New and Continuation 3/29/2024 Full External Online 5/6/2024
Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant Program  16.025 12/18/2023 New and Continuation 6/11/2024 Full External Online TBD
Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Reimbursement Program  16.059 12/19/2023 New 2/6/2024 N/A N/A 4/8/2024
Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction: Targeted Support for Alaska Native Tribes Special Initiative  16.025 12/27/2023 New and Continuation 6/11/2024 Full External Online TBD
Strengthening Culturally Specific Campus Approaches to Address Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Initiative  16.525 3/6/2024 New and Continuation 4/29/2024 Full External Online 6/3/2024
Training & Technical Assistance Initiative  16.526 1/11/2024 New and Continuation 3/7/2024 Full External In Person 4/3/2024
Training and Services to End Abuse in Later in Life Program  16.528 2/29/2024 New and Continuation 4/29/2024 Full External Online 6/3/2024
Training and Services to End Violence Against Individuals with Disabilities and Deaf People Program  16.529 2/13/2024 New and Continuation 4/2/2024 Full External Online 5/20/2024
Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program  16.736 2/7/2024 New and Continuation 4/4/2024 Full External Online 5/13/2024
Tribal Affairs Division Financial Assistance Pilot  16.029 1/22/2024 New 4/12/2024 Full TBD 5/24/2024
Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program  16.024 12/20/2023 New and Continuation 2/16/2024 Full External Online 4/1/2024
Tribal Special Assistant United States Attorney Program  16.055 1/16/2024 New and Continuation 3/5/2024 Invitation Only N/A N/A


Formula Programs

Program Name

Assistance Listing Number

Estimated Solicitation Release

Type of Applicants

Anticipated Application Due Date


Peer Review

Estimated Peer Review Date

Grants to Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program 16.557 TBD Formula TBD N/A N/A N/A
Sexual Assault Services Formula Program 16.017 TBD Formula TBD N/A N/A N/A
State and Territorial Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program 16.556 TBD Formula TBD N/A N/A N/A
STOP Formula Grant Program 16.588 TBD Formula TBD N/A N/A N/A

Note: All dates are approximate.  OVW will update this table periodically to reflect any significant changes.

Updated February 7, 2024