Klauke Orange: Innovation ensures safety | Klauke

Who is Klauke ORANGE for?
Employees from Stadtwerke Menden using Orange tools
Who is Klauke ORANGE for?
Whether it be control cabinet constructors or energy providers – opt for more safety when working on potentially live cables: Klauke ORANGE
Why Klauke ORANGE?
Working at the switch cabinet
Why Klauke ORANGE?
Working in the low voltage range
  • Thanks to Klauke ORANGE we are significantly increasing the safety of the user if it is not clear that work is being carried out on potentially live parts.
Working at the switch cabinet
  • Even when carrying out what appears to be safe and voltage-free work, a battery-operated, insulated tool should be used as well as insulated screwdrivers and additional insulated tools, which make up part of the standard equipment.
What's so special about Klauke ORANGE?
Klauke Orange in action
What's so special about Klauke ORANGE?
3-layer insulation
  • Creepage distance: This clever design ensures a minimum distance of 12.5 mm between non-insulated parts.
  • PA6 insulation: Plastic with high-performance insulation properties
  • Dielectric oil: Hydraulic oil with high dielectric insulating capacity
VDE tested
  • The Klauke ORANGE battery-operated hydraulic cutting and crimping tools are VDE tested and certified up to 1,000 V.
High efficiency
  • Work safety combined with speed, ergonomics and the tried and tested Klauke quality standard.
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