Alliance for Biosolutions

Alliance for Biosolutions

Political Organizations

Alliance for Biosolutions gathers companies and universities from the Danish and international biosolutions sector.

About us

Alliance for Biosolutions gathers large businesses, SMEs, startups, universities and organisations that champion a necessary paradigm shift from fossil to green regulation. An alliance created by the Danish Chamber of Commerce, companies and research institutions at the frontier of the global green transition. We need to transition to a greener and more sustainable future. A future in which we must produce more, for more people on less land and with the lowest possible impact on our climate and enviroment. It is a massive undertaking that demands a break from conventional wisdom to pave the way for new solutions. This is why we have set up the Alliance for Biosolutions. Biosolutions constitute of biological products that are anchored in biotech, i.e. utilisation of living organisms, including enzymes, microorganisms, bacteria cultures, pheromones etc. for concrete applications and products that are used in other sectors’ manufacturing processes and as end products to enable sustainable transformations such as emission reductions. Products include alternative proteins, bio-based ingredients, bio pesticides, bio plastics, enzymes, probiotics, food cultures, and fermentation solutions for feed and food.

Political Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees


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    🌍✨ Towards a sustainable future with solutions from nature! ✨🌱   Yesterday marked an incredible milestone as we hosted the first ever Biosolutions High Level Summit at the old Danish Stock Exchange (Børsen) together with our collaborators at Novo Nordisk Foundation and DI Bio. Together with researchers, investors, leading companies, authorities and a series of innovative startups we gained amazing insights into the biosolutions sector and touched upon some of the roadblocks we need to address in order to activate biosolutions further to accelerate the green transition🌱 With the summit we aim to create a recurring platform for the entire sector to convene, share knowledge, and form partnerships as we believe in cross sectoral partnerships going forward! A heartfelt thank you to more than 130 participants for engaging with us and contributing to an amazing and inspiring afternoon 🙌 A special thanks to the Danish Minister for Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs Morten Bødskov, the Danish Minister for Food & Agri, Jacob Jensen, MP Linea Søgaard-Lidell and MP Ida Auken for leading the ambitions for the sector within the Danish government. And not at least a huge thank you to our keynotes David Zilber and Naila Moloo and the various panelists including Tommy Ahlers, Anders Spohr, Sara Sande, Rasmus Lauridsen, Randi Wahlsten, Tina Sejersgård Fanø, Svend Christensen and Lykke Friis who all contributed to making this day truly exceptional! We are over the moon 🚀🌕

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    Biosolutions wage war on climate change: Crushing carbon emissions for a greener future A new article from our most recent edition of our biosolutions bulletin focuses on the role of biosolutions in enabling us all to contribute in the fight against climate change. While each of us contributes only a small amount, the cumulative impact of over eight billion people in the world is substantial. Over the past decades, there has been a gradual shift towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable production methods across various product categories, and biosolutions are part of driving that change.  "By integrating biosolutions into the production process, we reduce carbon emissions, making our choices and actions more sustainable and environmentally friendly," the article reads. Learn about many everyday examples of how biosolutions can help us fight climate change and leave a greener footprint, including: - Biofuels - Green household cleaners - Fresher breads and yoghurts to reduce food waste - Sustainable brewing - Plant-based and advanced proteins - Animal health - Crop protection and plant health Full article here: #biosolutions #climateaction #greentransition #novonesis

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    🚀 Calling All SMEs within Novel Foods! 🌱   The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has just launched an exciting opportunity for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to receive valuable advice on navigating the application process to market novel foods in the European Union! 📈 At the Alliance for Biosolutions, we understand the regulatory barriers biosolutions companies face when bringing their products to market.   Initiatives like this are crucial steps in the right direction. We urge all interested SMEs to sign up and help us advance the biosolutions agenda.Let’s keep innovating and improving together! What’s on Offer? EFSA’s Call for Expressions of Interest aims to support SMEs by providing General Pre-submission Advice (GPSA). This initiative is designed to: 🌟 Raise awareness of the application process. ⏩ Speed up the validation of Novel Food applications. 🗓️ Key Dates: Submit Expressions of Interest: June 25 – October 31, 2024 Read more here:

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    🌱 Denmark is leading the way towards a sustainable future as the first country to add A CARBON TAX on the agri sector 🌱 🤝 Yesterday, a so-called "green tripart" consisting of the Danish Governemt and key organisations in Denmark (representing e.g. the agri sector and nature protection organisations) presented their agreement on a longterm model of a structural green transition of the agricultural sector 🐮 🐷 🌾 ✅ POSITIVE ELEMENTS - The agri sector will also receive a carbon tax like other industries and will thus contribute to Denmark's 70 % reduction target - There is a significant focus on nitrogen and removal of "lowland soils" and it is suggested to prioritize significant funds to restoration of more wild nature and biodiversity - Biosolutions are highlighted and recognized as key technologies and part of the solution to deliver on the climate goals 🌎 This is a big win and a point we have made clear, when we where invited to Minister Stephanie Loses offices to give our point of view. -This is a historic agreement and we applaud the Danish Government for leading the way in EU 👏 🌱 Next up is a harmonized EU carbon tax! **** EXAMPLES on how #biosolutions can be part of the green transition of the agricultural sector: ✅ Biofertilizers and biostimulants can increase crop yields i and reduce the use of fossil/chemical plant protection. ✅Feed additives mixed with enzymes or probiotics, makes it possible to use smaller amounts of feed and achieve the same growth. Feed produced locally can also avoid the import of soy and deforestation. ✅Alternative proteins using fermentation plants that occupy less space and provide a high, nutritious yield, freeing up areas for more biodiversity and wild nature. ✅ Better utilization of existing side streams and biomass for materials and bioplastics. Agriculture can be more involved in harvesting and depositing carbon in consumer and construction materials, utilizing the carbon already harvested through existing areas.

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    💡 Did you know that cows can’t produce milk proteins without methane emissions – but microbes can 🔬 Animal free milk proteins is a huge global business opportunity that can be turned into a new business adventure and help decarbonize the food system towards net zero🌍 This is the conclusion from a new research project on industrially produced foods led by the biotech company Protein Frontiers in collaboration with a number of various stakeholders. Animal proteins produced by precision fermentation is ONE of the tools in the box that can help us pave the way towards more resilient food system. 👇 👇Read more in Finans (article in Danish) 👇👇 21st.BIO Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies GUDP - Grønt Udviklings- & Demonstrationsprogram NIRAS Mette Lübeck Martin Kruse

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    Folkemødet 2024: 🌟 Højdepunkter fra BIOScenen og BIOloungen 🌟 Folkemødet på Bornholm er demokratiets fest og en sand smeltedigel for udveksling af meninger og viden. I år blev det også en enorm fejring af – ja faktisk en tour de force udi, hvad vi kan med biosolutions i Danmark anno 2024. 🌱 Vi stillede bl.a. skarpt på biobaserede materialer i fremtidens bæredygtige modeindustri 👗, lagde strategier for, hvordan sektoren skal udvikle sig som dansk styrkeposition og grønt erhvervseventyr 🌿, fantastiske start-ups pitchede i ægte Løvens Hule-stil 🦁 og gjorde os alle klogere gennem en perlerække af science talks 🔬 og det blev diskuteret, hvordan Danmarkskortet anno 2050 ser ud 🗺️ og hvordan fremtidens byggematerialer kan få en forlomme, når byggesektoren skal nedbringe sit CO2-udslip 🏗️. En stor tak skal lyde til alle der deltog, bidrog og overværede debatterne på Bioscenen og i Bioloungen over 3 skønne dage. Også tak for en gigantisk indsats til vores gode samarbejdspartnere fra DI Bio og Novo Nordisk Foundation med stærk support fra bureauet FRIDAY, som fik det hele til at spille på bedste vis. 💪 Fremtiden er grøn! 🌍

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    Kick off på folkemødet 🚀 Fantastisk torsdag i biosolutions' navn. Vi har diskuteret alt fra en national strategi for Biosolutions, bæredygtigt byggeri til fremtidens biomaterialer i modeindustrien. 🌱 Potentialet er enormt, men barriererne er mange. Heldigvis er der vilje blandt både de danske politikere og de mange virksomheder og kloge hoveder til fortsat at drive biosolutions sektoren fremad og derigennem vækst og grøn omstilling. 🙏🏻 Tak til alle der deltog i debatterne, jeres indsigter og entusiasme er inspirerende. Vi ser frem til endnu en dag i biosolutions tegn💡🌍 Mød os på BIOscenen og i BIOloungen 🤝 Thomas Brorsen Pedersen, Peter Steen Mortensen, Jens Legarth, Jens Dynesen, Marcus Alexander Byrgesen, Tinus Byrgesen, Line Kloster Pedersen, Henrik Busch-Larsen, Charlotte Bagge Hansen, Linea Søgaard-Lidell, Anders Spohr, David Dreyer Lassen, Jens Nielsen

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    💡Did you know that the global agrifood sector generates almost a third of the World’s GHG emissions? And did you know that ¾ of agrifood emissions come from developing countries, including 2/3 from middle income countries? AND did you know that #biosolutions can play a crucial role to cut down emissions from the agrifood system? Yesterday we had the honor of hosting The World Bank represented by Esben Lunde Larsen, William R. Sutton (Bill) and Alexander Lotsch for a briefing on their new report – A recipe for a livable planet - Achieving net zero emissions in the global agrifood system 🌍 The report provides many interesting findings, including that the agrifood system is a significant, untapped source of low-cost climate action. However, despite its potential, the sector currently receives surprisingly low levels of investments💵 Another conclusion is that “Without significant climate mitigation action in the agrifood system the Paris Agreement cannot be reached” (see photos with figure)📈 We also got the opportunity to tell our distingushed guests about the potential of biosolutions in the Global South. A BIG thanks for inspiring presentations by Susanne Palsten Buchardt from ALGIECEL Christel Jørgensen from Bactolife and Karsten Dinesen from Chromologics🤩 We look forward to follow up on this exciting new report!

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    🌍💡 Life Science and biosolutions are Denmark's engine for growth and global climate solutions 🚀🌱 We are humble and proud to have facilitated brand-new recommendations for the Danish Government to accellerate climate action within life science and biotech🌱 Thanks again to all who have generously contributed with valuable insights🙏🏻 Read today's opinion piece in Finans, jointly written by chair of the “climate partnership” Tina Sejersgård Fanø, Executive Vice President, Planetary Health Biosolutions at Novonesis alongside Brian Mikkelsen, CEO at the Danish Chamber of Commerce (Dansk Erhverv) and Ida Sofie Jensen, CEO of Lif - Lægemiddelindustriforeningen: Now, let’s turn the recommendations into action🚀

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    📢 OM EN UGE GÅR DET LØS PÅ FOLKEMØDET PÅ BORNHOLM ☀ Igen i år er vi partner på #BIOscenen sammen med Novo Nordisk Foundation, Dansk Erhverv og DI Bio på G10, Ydermolen. Og vi kan næsten ikke vente med at sætte spotlys på potentialet inden for #biosolutions 🔬 🌱 Mød os bl.a. TORSDAG DEN 13. JUNI til en biosolutions-perlerække, når vi diskuterer BIO-mode, biosolutions-strategi og BIO-byggeri: 👕 Kl. 15:15-16:00: Er modeindustrien klar til BIO-garderoben? Og er du? med Louise S. Elholm, Tanja Gotthardsen, Henrik Vibskov, Jens Obel og Pond Biomaterials. 🤝 Kl. 16:15-17:00: Lidell og Bagge bygger Danmarks næste grønne erhvervseventyr - biosolutions med Linea Søgaard-Lidell, Charlotte Bagge Hansen, Peter Steen Mortensen, Jens Nielsen og David Dreyer Lassen 👷♀️ Kl. 17:15-18:00: Lad os fjerne stopklodserne for bio-byggeriet med Lea Wermelin, Signe Wenneberg, Sinus Lynge, Line Kloster Pedersen og Anders Spohr Og mød os igen FREDAG DEN 14. JUNI, når vi debatterer biosolutions og Danmarkskortet anno 2050 og når 3 seje bio-startups pitcher deres løsning Løvens Hule-style: 🌍 Kl. 9:15-10:00: Den store areal-kabale: Det grønne Danmarkskort anno 2050 med Claus Felby, Marie-Louise Boisen Lendal, Michael Minter og Tom Heron 🦁 Kl. 11:15-12:00: Hvor skal du investere din opsparing? Pilen peger på BIO med Tommy Ahlers, Sara Sande, Helene Bløcher, Anders Spohr og mød ALGIECEL, GROUNDED CUPS og Visibuilt 🍀 Du kan også møde vores medlemmer til en række SCIENCE TALKS, hvor de løfter sløret for den forunderlige verden af #biosolutions i BIOloungen 🤓 Se det fulde program 👇

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