
Patsnap Chemical, the world’s most comprehensive chemical database, connects over 250 million chemical structures to a wealth of patent, literature, regulatory, clinical, and legal sources to simplify the search and analysis of chemical intellectual property.

Powered by AI and manual curation, Chemical’s easy-to-use structure search curates the most relevant R&D and IP data for in-depth exploration and validation of chemical compounds, helping you quickly identify promising candidates, minimize legal risks, and successfully launch new products to market.

Try Patsnap Chemical for free today at https://chemical.patsnap.com/

This product is intended for

  • Director of Product Development
  • Director of Intellectual Property
  • Head of Chemistry
  • Innovation Manager
  • Chemist
  • Research And Development Scientist
  • Materials Scientist
  • Chemical Analyst
  • Patent Attorney
  • Chemical Engineer


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