Programming | MUO



For everyone from expert programmers to those new to coding. You’ll find everything from introductory guides to Python and SQL, to expert CSS and VB.Net code examples.

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This Core Programming Language Just Turned 60: Here's Why It Mattered

You may not use it anymore, but BASIC helped turn a generation onto computer programming.

A tech-savvy woman, immersed in a digital world of code
This App Will Answer Your Coding Questions With the Power of AI

Find quick solutions to tricky programming problems with Phind.

Codeium logo on VSCode background
Codeium’s Free AI Lets Anyone Write Code

The AI sidekick you always wanted.

ChatGPT vs GitHub Copilot
GitHub Copilot vs. ChatGPT: Which Is Better for Programming?

These tools both use AI, but they have very different capabilities.

woman using two pc monitor for programming
Nvidia Says AI Will Kill Coding, but Here Are 5 Reasons It's Wrong

AI-generated code is a handy asset for programmers, but it's by no means a replacement.

Tall racks of server equipment extend into the distance on left and right, displaying bright lights in a dark blue room
Introducing Freenginx, a Fork of The Most Popular Web Server

Nginx has been forked, but why and how will it impact you?

The White House, a wide white building with tall windows, columns, and a US flag.
The White House Wants Memory-Safe Programming, but What Is That?

Orders from the top: plug your memory leaks.

chatgpt openai logo on green background feature
How to Use the ChatGPT API

Use the power of ChatGPT from within your own apps using OpenAI’s API and this guide.

A green and white exit sign shows a stick figure leaving through a door with a large arrow pointing to the right.
How to Break JavaScript Loops and Why You Might Need To

A loop doesn't always have to complete to achieve its aim. In such cases, breaking out of a loop early can speed up your code.

Branch being pruned
How to Delete a Branch in Git Locally and Remotely

There are various reasons why you might delete a branch in GitHub. Fortunately, deleting a Git branch is easy.

A robot sits at a desk appearing to type on a keyboard, working alongside human employees.
What Is CodeGPT and Can It Really Write Code?

CodeGPT can definitely produce code that runs, but can it reliably produce good, high-quality code?

An illustration of user interface elements including windows, buttons, and dialogs.
Create Your First GUI in Python With Glade and GTK+

Looking for a simple way to create good-looking GUI apps? Python, GTK+, and Glade can do the job.

A man gestures as he reads from a notebook, standing in front of a large display of illustrated concepts relating to web technology, including HTML, wireframes, and servers.
What Is htmx and How Can It Simplify My Website?

htmx is nothing like HTML, but it can make it much more powerful.

A command prompt symbol superimposed on a blurred background of green symbols
What Is Windows PowerShell Scripting?

Looking to automate tasks on your PC? Try PowerShell scripting!

Man sitting at computer
What Is Middleware?

Get to grips with this common buzzword and learn how you can use middleware in your own projects.

A pair of feet seen from above, near the edge of a station platform with “Mind The Gap” written on the floor
How CSS Gap Adds Space to Enhance Web Layouts

Learn about a handy shortcut property that will help you control spacing between elements.

A person using Terminal on their MacBook Pro
How to Customize the zsh Prompt in the macOS Terminal

By default, the zsh prompt in Terminal looks bland, but macOS lets you customize it to your liking.

A set of traffic lights showing a red light next to a “STOP” sign
3 Ways to End a Program in Python

How your Python program stops may be the last thing on your mind, but it’s still important to cater for.

Laptop screen with Linux's logo, a penguin
5 Bash Script Examples to Help You Learn Linux Programming

Want to learn programming on Linux? Get to grips with Bash.

HTML list code
3 Types of HTML Lists and How to Use Them

Use html lists to group content and style it to match your design, just be sure you’re using the right kind of list.

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