Learn the latest about ChatGPT and what you can do with this powerful AI chatbot.

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Who Are You Really Talking to Online? The Dead Internet Theory Explained

It's AI and bots, all the way down.

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Every Bit of AI Apple Revealed at WWDC 24

Apple is finally catching the AI train, but are its new Apple Intelligence tools going to be enough?

Split image of ChatGPT and Google Bard, highlighting competition in AI and search technology with a dynamic energy line.
ChatGPT vs. Gemini: Which AI Chatbot Is Better at Coding?

The capabilities of AI chatbots are growing rapidly. But can either of these two actually code, and which is better at the task?

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Is ChatGPT Down? 5 Ways to Check If ChatGPT Is Working

Wondering if ChatGPT is working properly? Is it a you problem, or an everyone problem?

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The 7 Best AI Tools to Help Solve Math Problems

How do you make seven even? Use these tools to solve the big math problems in life.

chatgpt plus subscription on smartphone screen
Can't Wait for the ChatGPT Desktop App? Try This Open Source Alternative Instead

It's a website wrapper, but it does a tidy job.

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Why You Shouldn't Trust ChatGPT to Summarize Your Text

ChatGPT is great at so many things, and text summaries are one of them—but you must always check its output carefully.

A lightbulb with three logos around it
I Gave the Same Creative Prompt to 3 Different Chatbots: Which One Did It Best?

AI doesn't exactly have a reputation for human-like creativity, so let's see how these chatbots handle artistic tasks like songwriting and poetry.

chatgpt plus subscription on smartphone screen
GPT-4 Is Now Free for Everyone, but There Are Still 6 Reasons to Keep Using ChatGPT Plus

Don't ditch that ChatGPT Plus subscription just yet.

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ChatGPT Just Added a Host of New Features: Here Are the Ones You'll Care About

OpenAI doesn't launch new features often, but when it does, it's worth paying attention.

chatgpt gpt4o new model on screen
GPT-4o Brings GPT-4 to Everyone, and This Is How It Works

OpenAI's new model steps it up once again.

A Chatgpt robot using a computer with diifferent interface in the background
Does ChatGPT Plagiarize? Examining the Chatbot's Sources

ChatGPT is notorious for its training methods, but does that mean it actually copies work?

robot using predictive ai on different AI panels-1
What Is Predictive AI, and How Does It Work?

Generative AI is all the rage, but you've probably used predictive AI a whole bunch more already.

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Perplexity AI Is the Best AI-Powered Google Search Tool You're Not Using

Done with Google? Want to try something new and AI-powered? Perplexity could be just what you're looking for.

A smartphone screen displaying a Copilot logo with the Microsoft logo in the background
Copilot Is the Best Way to Use GPT-4 Turbo for Free

Here's how to use one of the most powerful chatbots right now, no credit card needed.

person inputting an ai prompt on a laptop
7 AI Prompting Tips and Tricks That Actually Work

Boost your AI prompting game with these quick and easy tips.

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The 5 Best Open-Source AI Image Generators

Don't pay for an AI image generator.

Two AI robots arm wresling each other with other robots as spectators
Gemini Advanced vs. ChatGPT Plus: Which Is Better?

ChatGPT Plus leads the march in AI chatbots, but is Google's Gemini Advanced a worthy competitor?

boy gaming on pc using chatgpt in bedroom
Did You Know ChatGPT Has Games? Here Are the 6 Best Ones to Play

ChatGPT can do more than just answer your questions and finish your homework.

chatgpt logo on smartphone screen
10 Custom GPTs That Actually Make ChatGPT Better

ChatGPT is a great all-rounder, but what if you could improve its output in specific areas?

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