About OpenADR


OpenADR is an open, highly secure, and two-way information exchange model and global Smart Grid standard. OpenADR standardizes the message format used for Auto-DR and DER management so that dynamic price and reliability signals can be exchanged in a uniform and interoperable fashion among utilities, ISOs, and energy management and control systems. While previously deployed Auto-DR systems are automated, they are not standardized or interoperable. OpenADR was created to automate and simplify DR and DER for the power industry with dynamic price and reliability signals that allow end users to modify their usage patterns to save money and optimize energy efficiency, while enhancing the effectiveness of power delivery across the Smart Grid.

OpenADR 2.0 Certified Products are helping organizations around the world standardize DR and DER communications, automate DR/DER processes, simplify customer energy management, and eliminate stranded assets.

Adoption for OpenADR 2.0 is occurring throughout many parts of North America including: California, Nevada, Texas, Florida, Arizona, Hawaii as well as across the globe in Europe, China, Japan and Korea.

International support for the OpenADR standard was advanced by the recent action of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which approved the OpenADR 2.0 Profile Specification as IEC 62746-10-1 in 2018.

Mission Statement

The mission of the OpenADR Alliance is to foster the development, adoption, and compliance of the OpenADR standards through collaboration, education, training, testing and certification.

Why The OpenADR Alliance Was Formed

The OpenADR Alliance was formed 2010 by industry stakeholders to build on the foundation of technical activities to support the development, testing, and deployment of commercial OpenADR and facilitates its acceleration and widespread adoption. This approach needs to engage service providers (such as electric utilities and systems operators) within the domain of the Smart Grid that publish OpenADR signals, as well as the facilities or third-party entities that consume them to manage electric loads. The OpenADR Alliance will enable all stakeholders to participate in automated DR, DER management, dynamic pricing, and electricity grid reliability.

The OpenADR Alliance activities will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Develop a conformance, certification, and testing process/program for OpenADR, coordinated with entities such as standard development organizations (SDOs), utility user groups, and other Smart Grid initiatives.

  • Collaborate with SDOs and user groups for the continued enhancements of the OpenADR profile specification.

  • Collaborate with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), and other government agencies to expand the adoption of OpenADR.

  • Collaborate with other international alliances and organizations on global partnership opportunities.

  • Conduct and provide education and training sessions to help facilitate the development and adoption of OpenADR products and programs.

  • Facilitate OpenADR programs among utilities and system operators through case studies, specifications and industry best practices.

  • Provide resources to developers to facilitate the development, testing, and demonstration of OpenADR certified products.