Plum Reporting - Certification and Quality Assurance Skip to page navigation
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Certification and Quality Assurance


Agencies are required to certify that the information provided to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management is complete, accurate, and reliable.

Quality Assurance

Data quality assurance involves the process of data cleaning and screening for accuracy, consistency, timeliness, and compliance.

Agencies are required to conduct quality assurance of data on a regular basis (and, at minimum, prior to certification) to confirm that data elements are complete, accurate, and reliable. Quality checks may include:

  • Crosscheck of the agency human resource information system (and/or pay system) with records within OPM’s Executive and Schedule C System (ESCS).
  • Crosscheck of all required data fields against completed personnel actions.
  • Update of any new and corrected personnel actions to ESCS.
  • Review of random selection of records on a regular basis to confirm that all data fields are completed and accurate.

It is the responsibility of each individual agency to ensure that the information it provides is not prohibited from disclosure under federal law. Agencies that have certified the completeness, accuracy, and reliability of their data are listed below. This list will be updated following the 2024 update of the Plum Reporting website, which is scheduled to be completed this summer.

Agency Certification Date
Administrative Conference of the United States 3/15/2024
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 3/13/2024
African Development Foundation 3/30/2024
American Battle Monuments Commission 3/19/2024
Appalachian Regional Commission 3/21/2024
Arctic Research Commission 3/20/2024
Armed Forces Retirement Home 3/21/2024
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation 3/20/2024
Central Intelligence Agency 3/22/2024
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board 3/14/2024
Commission of Fine Arts 3/13/2024
Commodity Futures Trading Commission 3/27/2024
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 3/19/2024
Consumer Product Safety Commission 3/29/2024
Corporation for National and Community Service 3/15/2024
Council of Economic Advisers 3/15/2024
Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency 3/20/2024
Council on Environmental Quality 3/15/2024
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia 3/21/2024
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 3/29/2024
Delta Regional Authority 3/13/2024
Department of Agriculture 3/15/2024
Department of Commerce 3/15/2024
Department of Commerce Office of the Inspector General 3/21/2024
Department of Education 3/15/2024
Department of Education Office of the Inspector General 3/20/2024
Department of Energy 3/15/2024
Department of Energy Office of the Inspector General 3/22/2024
Department of Health and Human Services 3/14/2024
Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General 3/20/2024
Department of Homeland Security 3/15/2024
Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General 3/20/2024
Department of Housing and Urban Development 3/15/2024
Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Inspector General 3/20/2024
Department of Justice 3/15/2024
Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General 3/21/2024
Department of Labor 3/19/2024
Department of Labor Office of Inspector General 3/18/2024
Department of State 3/19/2024
Department of State Office of the Inspector General 3/13/2024
Department of the Air Force 3/21/2024
Department of the Army 3/19/2024
Department of the Interior 3/20/2024
Department of the Interior Office of the Inspector General 3/22/2024
Department of the Navy 3/19/2024
Department of the Treasury 3/15/2024
Department of the Treasury Office of the Inspector General 3/20/2024
Department of the Treasury Tax Administration Office of the Inspector General 3/21/2024
Department of Transportation 3/15/2024
Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General 3/5/2024
Department of Veterans Affairs 3/15/2024
Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector General 3/21/2024
Environmental Protection Agency 3/13/2024
Environmental Protection Agency Office of the Inspector General 3/21/2024
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 3/8/2024
Export-Import Bank 3/21/2024
Export-Import Bank Office of the Inspector General 3/22/2024
Farm Credit Administration 3/13/2024
Federal Communications Commission 3/18/2024
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 3/15/2024
Federal Election Commission 3/29/2024
Federal Election Commission Office of the Inspector General 4/2/2024
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 3/14/2024
Federal Housing Finance Agency 3/20/2024
Federal Housing Finance Board 3/20/2024
Federal Labor Relations Authority 3/15/2024
Federal Maritime Commission 3/6/2024
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 3/15/2024
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 3/22/2024
Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council 3/15/2024
Federal Reserve System 3/27/2024
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 3/22/2024
Federal Trade Commission 3/15/2024
General Services Administration 3/15/2024
General Services Administration Office of the Inspector General 3/12/2024
Government Accountability Office 3/28/2024
Government Publishing Office 3/20/2024
Great Lakes Fishery Commission 3/20/2024
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council 3/19/2024
Institute of Museum and Library Services 3/14/2024
Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator 3/22/2024
Interagency Council on the Homeless 3/26/2024
Inter-American Foundation 3/28/2024
International Boundary and Water Commission 3/20/2024
Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin 3/20/2024
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation 3/13/2024
Japan United States Friendship Commission 3/27/2024
Library of Congress 3/15/2024
Marine Mammal Commission 3/14/2024
Medicaid and Chip Payment and Access Commission 3/28/2024
Merit Systems Protection Board 3/8/2024
Millennium Challenge Corporation 3/20/2024
Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation 3/21/2024
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3/15/2024
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Inspector General 3/29/2024
National Archives and Records Administration 3/15/2024
National Archives and Records Administration Office of the Inspector General 3/15/2024
National Capital Planning Commission 3/13/2024
National Council on Disability 3/15/2024
National Credit Union Administration 3/22/2024
National Endowment for the Arts 3/14/2024
National Endowment for the Humanities 3/14/2024
National Endowment for the Humanities Office of the Inspector General 3/22/2024
National Labor Relations Board 3/12/2024
National Mediation Board 3/21/2024
National Science Foundation 3/15/2024
National Science Foundation Office of the Inspector General 3/22/2024
National Security Council 3/15/2024
National Transportation Safety Board 3/20/2024
Northern Border Regional Commission 3/13/2024
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3/15/2024
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Inspector General 3/22/2024
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board 3/22/2024
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 3/15/2024
Office of Administration 3/15/2024
Office of Government Ethics 3/21/2024
Office of Management and Budget 3/15/2024
Office of National Drug Control Policy 3/18/2024
Office of Personnel Management 3/19/2024
Office of Personnel Management Office of the Inspector General 3/20/2024
Office of Science and Technology Policy 3/13/2024
Office of the Director for National Intelligence 3/29/2024
Office of the National Cyber Director 3/19/2024
Office of the Secretary of Defense 3/19/2024
Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Inspector General 3/21/2024
Office of the United States Trade Representative 3/15/2024
Office of the Vice President 3/19/2024
Peace Corps 3/22/2024
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 3/26/2024
Postal Regulatory Commission 3/29/2024
Presidents Committee on the Arts and the Humanities 3/14/2024
Public Buildings Reform Board 3/19/2024
Railroad Retirement Board 3/20/2024
Railroad Retirement Board Office of the Inspector General 3/18/2024
Securities and Exchange Commission 3/8/2024
Selective Service System 3/21/2024
Small Business Administration 3/19/2024
Small Business Administration Office of the Inspector General 3/20/2024
Social Security Administration 3/15/2024
Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General 2/29/2024
Surface Transportation Board 3/20/2024
Tennessee Valley Authority 3/19/2024
Tennessee Valley Authority Office of the Inspector General 3/19/2024
Trade and Development Agency 3/20/2024
U.S. Abilityone Commission 3/6/2024
U.S. Access Board 3/15/2024
U.S. Agency for Global Media 3/15/2024
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 3/21/2024
United States Agency for International Development 3/15/2024
United States Agency for International Development Office of the Inspector General 3/22/2024
United States Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad 3/15/2024
United States Election Assistance Commission 3/26/2024
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 3/13/2024
United States Institute of Peace 3/29/2024
United States International Development Finance Corporation 3/15/2024
United States International Trade Commission 3/21/2024
United States Patent and Trademark Office 3/14/2024
United States Postal Service 3/13/2024
United States Semiquincentennial Commission 3/28/2024
Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission 3/22/2024
White House Office 3/15/2024
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 3/28/2024
World War I Centennial Commission 3/26/2024
Control Panel