REHVA position papers

REHVA positions papers, guidelines and technical comments (in descending chronological order)


EPBD Recast Trilogue, IEQ is intrinsic to the EPBD, June 2023

EPBD Recast Trilogue proposed modifications & guidelines Article 11a ‘Indoor environmental quality’, June 2023 


REHVA answers - EC public consultation on Energy labelling of local space heaters, September 2022

EFA- REHVA joint statement on the EPBD review, September 2022

REHVA position on EPBD review based on the ITRE amendments, July 2022

REHVA feedback & amendments on the EPBD recast proposal, March 2022


REHVA comments on the leaked EC proposal on the EPBD review, November 2021

Eurovent – REHVA position paper on how to strengthen IEQ in the EPBD, October 2021

REHVA feedback on EC Roadmap for a new revision of the EPBD 2010/31/EU,  March 2021


REHVA comments to the EP ITRE amendments on the Cuffe report, May, 2020

REHVA comments on the EP ENVI opinion on the Cuffe report, April 2020

REHVA inputs to the EP-ITRE report on the energy efficiency potential of the EU building stock (Cuffe report), March 2020


REHVA answers to the public consultation on the establishment of the SRI, October 2019

REHVA position on mandatory third-party conformity assessments for electric heat pumps, March 2019


REHVA Comments on the EPBB guidance documents, October 2018

REHVA position on the SRI methodology, May 2018


REHVA comments on the EP ENVI draft opinion on the EPBD review, June 2017

REHVA comments on the ITRE amendments on the EPBD review, May 2017

Position paper on the EC proposal of the revised EPBD COM(2016)0765, March 2017


Answers to the EC public consultation on the EPBD review, October 2015

REHVA – EVIA joint position paper on the EPBD review, June 2015


REHVA position paper on the European Commission 2030 climate and energy policy package, February 2014


REHVA position paper on IAQ, October 2013

REHVA position – Ecodesign and Energy labelling, September 2013

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