Hybrid Operating Room Renovation | RMF Engineering

Self Regional Healthcare

Hybrid Operating Room Renovation

RMF provided MEP engineering design services for the renovation of the existing operating room #8 into a hybrid operating room at Self Regional Healthcare in Greenwood, SC. The renovation included the addition of a control room and equipment room to support the newly renovated OR. The imaging capabilities of the operating room allow for additional services to be performed in the space. The renovation increases the value of OR #8 and the surgery suite as a whole and creates additional flexible space for future OR expansions or additions.

RMF designed all heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems inside the building as well as ductwork, terminal reheat piping systems and heating water systems as necessary to support the renovation. Plumbing design consisted of design for all domestic water, waste and vent piping systems. Medical gases such as compressed air, vacuum, oxygen and nitrogen as required for the hybrid operating room’s renovation was designed. RMF also performed fire protection design for the building’s as-built sprinkler system and provided adequate drawings in compliance with LLR and NFPA-13.

Electrical design consisted of modifications to the building’s existing emergency power. RMF provided feeder design to and from manufacturer provided UPS. The imaging medical equipment in the operating room required Page-4,480V, 3-phase power. RMF's design utilized the existing hospital’s critical power branch to satisfy the equipment’s needs in the renovation. The project also involved isolated power panels for stable medical equipment functionality and patient safety.

LocationGreenwood, South Carolina

ServicesMEP Building Engineering


Hybrid Operating Room RenovationSelf Regional Healthcare