Smart Mobility | Roland Berger
Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility

Contributing to a more sustainable and value-adding state of mobility

We at Roland Berger consider mobility as one of the key influence factors for sustainability. New products and services are evolving more and more rapidly around the world, providing a vast portfolio of opportunities. At the same time, companies, governments, cities and other stakeholders struggle to draw the right conclusions for themselves. Our ambition is to provide support for our clients, addressing this highly complex topic with a holistic approach.

We unite our Smart Mobility experts and knowledge globally, and pursue a cross-functional approach by bringing together experts primarily from the automotive, infrastructure, and transportation industries.

Put the future in motion
We approach mobility holistically

using global expertise from different industry backgrounds, such as transportation, public services, infrastructure, automotive, logistics, technological and more.

We explore every facet

that makes up Smart Mobility: current events, new business models, innovative technology; and, perhaps most important, how mobility influences, and is influenced by sustainability.

We consider the entire value chain

including every stakeholders from producers to mobility providers, infrastructure providers and operators, energy operators, policy makers, local governments and retailers.

We understand the complexity

of interactions and alignment between every mobility stakeholder. We know the future of mobility must be built together.

Stay up to date: publications and studies

"Our expertise is our core asset. In this regard, our network to decision-makers in the private and public sector is only one source for our latest thinking."
Portrait of Jan-Philipp Hasenberg
Senior Partner
Hamburg Office, Central Europe

This is an exciting time for the mobility sector. Globalization and trade are increasing, and novel mobility scenarios are evolving from new technologies and market entrants. At the same time, a growing focus on sustainability and environmental impact has placed new restrictions on how players operate.

At Roland Berger, we have a broad perspective on the mobility sector. Therefore, we understand the disruption that lies ahead. We track growth internationally to predict long term trends and future challenges. Our global positioning means that our consultants have a well-rounded view on issues surrounding innovation, technologies, services throughout the world and can develop solutions for local as well as global markets.

Below you find a selection of relevant articles and studies we published. The range covers articles from the automotive sector to urban mobility and logistics. We encourage you to take a look at our latest insights: it is definitively worth the time!

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