Ukraine | The Guardian Skip to main contentSkip to navigation


  • Zelenskiy stands between Michel and von der Leyen. They hold folders with the EU logo and stand in front of a blue wall the says 'European Council'

    Zelenskiy says Russia’s recent offensive shows pressure on Kremlin ‘not enough’

    Ukrainian president signs military agreement with EU and says ‘fulfilment of every promise’ of support is important
  • Anatoliy walks home from a match past one of the war messaging billboards in Odesa that are now ubiquitous in Ukraine. The sign reads “In Defence of the Future”. Euros in Ukraine 12

    The Guardian picture essay
    War and set pieces: watching Euro 2024 in Ukraine – a photo essay

    In Odesa, a city attacked by Russian rockets, with daily power outages and air-raid sirens, the street and social documentary photographer Richard Morgan explores to what extent the football is still important, if the game still has meaning, if the match really matters
  • A resident carries his belongings after Russian missile attack in Pokrovsk, Donetsk.

    Russia-Ukraine war at a glance
    Ukraine war briefing: US charges Russian with conspiring to destroy Kyiv computer systems

    Justice department announces $10m reward for information on 22-year-old Amin Timovich Stigal, who remains at large. What we know on day 855
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy shakes hands with a soldier

    Zelenskiy visits troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale

    President’s surprise visit to Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, comes days after Russian strikes kill five people in city
  • Nigel Farage

    Farage says Zelenskiy should seek Ukraine peace deal with Russia

    President should rethink goal of reclaiming all lost territory, says Reform UK leader in latest remarks about war
  • Ukrainian soldiers ride atop a self-propelled howitzer before firing towards Russian positions at the frontline in the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine

    Russia-Ukraine war at a glance
    Ukraine war briefing: US and Russian defence chiefs speak amid recent rise in tensions

    The conversation between Lloyd Austin and Andrei Belousov was the first such call in over a year. What we know on day 854
  • Damaged buildings in Kharkiv on 23 June.

    Ukraine war live
    Russia-Ukraine war: ICC issues arrest warrants for Russian officials over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets – as it happened

    International criminal court issues arrest warrants for Russia’s former defence minister Sergei Shogu and military chief of staff Valery Gerasimov
  • Sergei Shoigu, right, gestures while talking to Valery Gerasimov. Both men are dressed in military uniforms.

    ICC issues arrest warrants for Russian officials over alleged Ukraine war crimes

    Army chief and ex-minister of defence accused over missile attacks on civilian targets including power plants
  • A woman cries at a makeshift memorial to the victims of a Ukrainian attack on Crimea that used US missiles.

    Russia-Ukraine war at a glance
    Ukraine war briefing: Moscow warns of retaliation after blaming US for deadly Ukrainian attack

    Moscow says US has ‘become a party to the conflict’ after attack on occupied Crimea in which at least four people died. What we know on day 853
  • Sodol in a courtroom

    Zelenskiy replaces commander leading war on Russia in eastern Ukraine

  • Simon Jenkins

    Farage’s Ukraine comments were hardly offensive – other party leaders could use a history lesson

    Simon Jenkins
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Switzerland last week.

    Ukraine war live
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy orders purge of Ukraine state guard after alleged assassination plots – as it happened

  • Ukraine's champion high-jumper Yaroslava Mahuchikh, with yellow and blue eyeliner in support of her country

    Yaroslava Mahuchikh’s Olympic dream: ‘We want to show the world the war is not finished’

  • Russian troops in Crimea head to mainland Ukraine in 2022.

    Russia-Ukraine war at a glance
    Ukraine war briefing: Russia blames US for deadly Ukrainian attack on occupied Crimea

  • Central Kyiv at night

    Ukraine endures widespread blackouts as Russia attacks critical infrastructure

  • A person is seen walking away after the blast only a few metres away


    CCTV footage shows moment Russian strike hits street in Kharkiv – video

  • Shot of Putin at the wheel and Kim in the front passenger seat of a large car, driving along, both smiling

    ‘A return to the cold war’: Putin and Kim have joined forces as global delinquents

  • Senior Tories line up to denounce Nigel Farage’s defence of Putin’s war

  • The Observer view on Vladimir Putin’s reckless visit to Asia

  • Russia-Ukraine war at a glance
    Ukraine war briefing: Zelenskiy calls for more military aid after strike on Kharkiv apartment block

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