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Trepp IRR Calculator

Quickly Assess the Performance of Individual Loans and Funds

The Trepp Internal Rate of Return Calculator is a web-based calculations engine that helps investors and managers assess the performance of their corporate loan portfolios. With an easy-to-use interface, users can quickly and easily upload assumptions, validate their data, and quickly see the results for individual loans and funds.

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IRR Calculator
Fast and Secure Performance Data
Fast and Secure Performance Data

Upload Assumptions, Validate Data, and Quickly See the Results

Instead of managing funds through multiple spreadsheets, users can aggregate all of their data into a streamlined portfolio view. With one click, produce automated, reliable reports for investors and easily adjust investment assumptions.

Users can also store and run all of their data directly from their local desktop, without worrying about data security. All calculations are created on the client-side, so no data is shared with Trepp.

Fast and Secure Performance Data


Why Choose the Trepp IRR Calculator?

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Produce automated, reliable reports for investors with one click.

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Adjust investment assumptions through a streamlined front-end.

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Data Security

All data is pulled from the user's local desktop and not hosted on a server by Trepp.

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European Market Update: CLO Market Kicks Off 2022; Google's London Office

The European CLO market kicked off 2022 last week with the refinancing of a 2020 deal by Citi. On top of this, we saw some positive headlines in the office market, most notably with investments in both the London and Dublin office spaces.

Recently, GLG and Citi kicked off the European CLO market in 2022 with the refinancing of Man GLG CLO VI. As S&P Global reports, Citi has priced the refinancing of the CLO, which was originally priced back in February 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the market.

The CLO was originally priced with a 1-year non-call and 2-year reinvestment. The managers are reportedly refinancing the A-1, B-1 B-2, and D notes.



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Product Features


Generate Automated and Turnkey Reports

Run monthly performance reports at the Fund, Deal, and Instrument Levels or a monthly Carry Distribution report for each fund. Assess cash flows for instruments.


Modify Assumptions

Produce modified reports via the front-end page. Upload files and quickly run reports.


Audit the Accuracy of Uploaded Financial Data

Utilize the system-added data validation criteria. Conduct parallel comparisons of financial ratios across funds, deals, and instruments.

Related Research & Insights

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Schedule a Demo With an Expert

The IRR Calculator delivers performance reporting for two key components: individual loans and funds. With a few key steps, users can upload assumptions, validate their data, and quickly see the results.

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