CRE Loan and Portfolio Forecasting | TreppDefault Model | Trepp

Learn about TreppCRE, a dynamic new product offering that gives users access to commercial property data on more than 5 million properties

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TreppDefault Model

CRE Loan and Portfolio Forecasting

Trepp DM™ is a web-based platform that enables banks to forecast commercial real estate loan Probability of Default (PD), Loss Given Default (LGD), and Expected Loss (EL) at the loan and portfolio levels. 

Leverage Trepp DM™ for CRE Loan and Portfolio Forecasting.

Request a Demo Download the Brochure

Leasing Broker (8)
Drafts (1)
Effective, Easy, and Efficient

Transparent and Reliable Results

Bank clients trust Trepp DM™ to meet specific stress testing mandates such as Dodd-Frank and Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review with transparent and reliable results — all on a secure, hosted environment that is also cost-effective, easily implemented, and efficient.

Drafts (1)

Why Choose TreppDefault Model?

Forecast CRE loan PD, LGD, EL at the loan and portfolio levels:



Trepp DM™ offers results that are reasonable and defensible.

better results


Customize multiple scenarios and deliver higher confidence in loan-loss projections.


Trepp DM™ is a secure, web-based platform that enables the flexibility to quickly run and save loans.


Clients can upload and run loan-level analysis from day-one with an intuitive, accessible interface.

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Featured Research

Interest Rate Hikes & Federal Regulator Shifts: What's in Store for Banking?

In our last research piece examining Federal Reserve regulations, we focused on the decision of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) to end its monthly Treasury bond and mortgage-backed securities purchasing program, which was interpreted by many as a first step to precede interest rate hikes. With this program slated to end in early March, the FOMC provided an update on its longer-run goals and monetary policy strategy.

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Large Projections

Project up to 20 quarters of PD, LGD, and EL for every CRE loan held on a balance sheet. 


Custom Scenarios

Run custom scenarios and apply custom metro-level value and income growth vectors. 


Downloadable Reports

View results in a secure hosted web platform or download to an internal system complete with an audit trail of parameters selected for each analysis. 


Comprehensive Data

Gain access to comprehensive model documentation including history, background, data selection, and methodology. 

Expert Advice

Schedule a Demo With an Expert

Bank clients trust Trepp DM™ to meet specific stress testing mandates such as Dodd-Frank and Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review with transparent and reliable results – all on a secure, hosted environment that is also cost-effective, easily implemented, and efficient.

Schedule a Demo Download the Brochure