Partner with Trepp

Learn about TreppCRE, a dynamic new product offering that gives users access to commercial property data on more than 5 million properties

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Our Partners

Trepp provides the expertise and tools to help partners drive additional value to their own customers within their existing environments.

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Why Partner with Trepp?

Since its founding in 1979, Trepp has been a leading provider of data, analytics and software technology. Our expertise and knowledge enables us to develop forward-looking models and analytics based on robust data sources within opaque asset classes. 

As a trusted source of information, we are regularly cited by high profile media outlets, industry organizations and other market participants looking to monitor the market for trends and insights. Trepp is known for its client-focused approach – whether through our dedicated client services team or our analysts who offer individualized support specific to each client’s use case.

Our partnerships provide clients with access to sophisticated, comprehensive and accurate models and analytics to help drive business.

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How a Trepp Partnership Works

The requirements of each partner are unique, which is why we offer complete flexibility in integrating Trepp data with internal systems. Our API Integrations, Data Lake and Advisory Services provide partners with complete customization and scalability. Delivered via dynamic and multi-format datafeeds, our partners and clients rely on us for trusted intelligence and market clarity.

Our partner integrations deliver cashflow reporting, credit risk identification, exposure tracking, performance metrics, fair value validation, custom analytics, and more. 

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Our Partners

Trepp’s data, analytics and insights, support an extensive client base within the financial services industry that continues to expand into emerging market segments where there are new applications of our data and insights.  Trepp’s partnerships are each structured in a custom and flexible way to ensure the most effective and mutually beneficial outcome.

Our History

Trepp has a long-standing history in structured finance and is the leading provider of CMBS and commercial mortgage information, analytics, and technology. Based in New York City with locations in San Francisco and London, Trepp has a strong commitment to the CMBS industry and has developed a deep knowledge of CMBS, as well as other fixed income instruments over the last 30 years.

Trepp’s original consulting business incorporated asset-backed securities work and structured municipal bond financings, and in 1986, was selected by the Public Securities Association to create a clearing house for all CMO/REMICs. Beginning in 1997, Trepp has exclusively focused its efforts on CRE and CMBS.

Shortly thereafter Trepp launched its flagship product, CMBS Analytics, delivered on the Web. From 1999 to 2013, CMBS Analytics was also provided over Bloomberg. It quickly became the industry standard tool for CMBS trading and surveillance. Subsequent products enabled the analysis and tracking of CRE CDOs, European CMBS, and CDS markets.

Since then, Trepp has expanded its expertise and service offerings into the broader commercial real estate, structured finance, banking and lenders sectors.

About DMGT

Trepp is wholly owned by Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT). DMGT manages a portfolio of companies that provide businesses and consumers with compelling information, analysis, insight, events, news, and entertainment. The Group takes a long-term approach to investment and has market-leading positions in consumer media, insurance risk, property information, and events & exhibitions. In total, DMGT generates revenues of around £1.2bn.