Government & Public Sector - UKAS

About accreditation

Benefits for Government & Public Sector

Accreditation builds public confidence in standards and quality initiatives.  Accredited assessment services help promote quality performance requirements (regulatory and non-regulatory) and verify that they are met.

The wide range of UKAS accreditations reflects the demand for accredited services from departments and policymakers across all areas of government and the public sector.  Working with UKAS, they gain a trusted and experienced partner and access to an internationally recognised and well established accreditation service.

Accredited tests, inspections, calibration, verification and certification services operate in areas as widespread as healthcare, food safety, construction, energy, environment and personal safety – and the list continues to grow.  UKAS accreditation is supported by businesses and service providers and welcomed by consumers and service users.

In all these areas UKAS accreditation has a proven track record as an effective, market-led tool able to facilitate government policies from deregulation to good governance and fair market development.  Accreditation supports innovation by helping to generate public confidence in new markets or new areas of policy control.  As part of a regulatory process or through a voluntary scheme, UKAS ensures relevant standards or performance criteria can be checked and confirmed by an independent network of accredited assessment bodies.

With a reputation built over 25 years of successful service, growth and investment, UKAS is recognised worldwide for its integrity, independence and expertise.  Global agreements with over 100 economies ensure UKAS accreditation is accepted internationally as an effective way to facilitate trade.