International Advisory Services - UKAS

International Advisory Services

UKAS’ tailored advisory services are designed to support the development plans of our international colleagues

From supporting with the initial development of a new Accreditation Body (AB), to assisting with the development of new services for established national ABs.

Funded by donors, stakeholders or accreditation bodies, these technical assistance projects cover a wide range of sectors, from healthcare, to environment and climate change, forensic science, construction, manufacturing, procurement and governance.

We work in-country with the aim of assisting economies to introduce the international standards, accreditation and conformity assessment processes that they need to compete and trade in global markets. We also work with local and developing accreditation bodies to help develop, expand and strengthen their accreditation programmes. We have significant experience in assisting overseas countries to set up and develop their national accreditation service and work towards international recognition, as well as partnering with overseas and international bodies seeking to further their learning in accreditation procedures, international standards and assessment skills.

Our experienced accreditation experts carry out a range of activities; including:

  • Gap analyses and document review
  • Documentation & template creation
  • Assessor skills training
  • Scheme development
  • On-site assessor support
  • Dual accreditation
  • Study visits

UKAS often collaborates with UK Quality Infrastructure partners (UKQI), which comprises of BSI (British Standards Institution) NMRO (National Measurement and Regulation Office), NPL (National Physical Laboratory) and UKAS. UKQI partners provide a comprehensive range of consultancy services to overseas governments wanting to build the capacity of their own National Quality Infrastructure.

Our team of experts work closely with you to understand your needs and develop a programme unique to your organisation and requirements.