Sustainable Development Goals | UNOPS

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Accelerating progress towards the Sustainability Development Goals is at the forefront of UNOPS work around the world.

17 Goals to transform our world

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.


By providing infrastructure, procurement and project management services, we support climate action, build resilience, and foster equality and inclusion to better serve communities in need.

Through our operations, we support the UN family, governments and other partners in their efforts to achieve all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How we contribute

How we contribute

Working closely with the UN system and beyond, we expand the implementation capacity of our partners to accelerate achievement of the SDGs. The interactive pie chart below provides a snapshot of UNOPS work in advancing the SDGs.

Mission Hubs

Mission Hubs

UNOPS Mission Hubs aim to support the transition pathways needed to fulfill the 2030 Agenda.

The Hubs bring together a diverse range of knowledge, experience and expertise from across the UNOPS family – to maximize the impact of our work.

With cross-cutting themes including gender equality, social inclusion and climate action, our Mission Hubs aim to enhance our approach to project delivery – and guide our efforts to effectively tackle key global challenges and accelerate progress towards the SDGs.

  • Triple planetary crisis

    Address the interconnected challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation.

  • Energy transition

    Increase access to clean and affordable energy and accelerate the net-zero transition – promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency.

  • Humanitarian, development and peace nexus

    Support holistic efforts to address the root causes of fragility and strengthen the resilience of communities affected by conflict and disasters.

  • Quality healthcare

    Strengthen the availability of essential medical supplies, equipment and facilities to deliver quality healthcare and services.

  • Small Island Developing States (SIDS) resilience and sustainability

    Support SIDS to increase resilience to environmental and economic shocks, and harness the benefits of a sustainable ocean economy.

  • Social protection, equality, education and jobs

    Provide sustainable, essential services and infrastructure to communities, and advance education and livelihood opportunities to overcome inequalities and create prosperity.

  • Just digital transformation

    Shape a just digital transformation in developing countries by promoting equal access to digital infrastructure, technologies and data.

  • Food systems transformation

    Contribute to actions that support increased food security and healthy diets for all.

Sustainability at UNOPS

Sustainability at UNOPS

We're committed to building a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient future for all. Working closely with partners, we help drive efficiency and value for money in public spending to ensure more funding is available to shift to low-carbon economies and help achieve long-term sustainable development.