Resources | World Resources Institute



6516 Resources for

Understanding the Paris Agreement's 'Global Goal on Adaptation'

  • Climate
  • Climate Resilience
  • climate change
  • International Climate Action
  • COP28
  • adaptation
  • climatewatch-pinned
  • COP29
A group of people work to repair a low mud wall which helps control flooding.
  • Climate
  • Climate Resilience
  • climate change
  • International Climate Action
  • COP28
  • adaptation
  • climatewatch-pinned
  • COP29
Leila Surratt.
  • Cities
  • Urban Development

Tracking Progress: Climate Action Under the Biden Administration

  • National Climate Action
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • Climate
  • carbon removal
  • climatewatch-pinned
President Joe Biden visits Flatirons Campus of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Arvada, Colorado.
  • National Climate Action
  • Tracking Climate Action
  • Climate
  • carbon removal
  • climatewatch-pinned

4 Priorities for Managing US Lands in the Face of Climate Change

  • U.S. Climate Policy-Lands
  • land use
  • Forest and Landscape Restoration
  • carbon removal
A tractor and trucks drive through soy bean fields.
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Lands
  • land use
  • Forest and Landscape Restoration
  • carbon removal

Stories to Watch 2024

  • stories to watch
  • stories to watch
People walking on busy market street in San Nicolas, Argentina.
  • Cities
  • Urban Development
  • transportation
  • climate finance

4 Climate Stories that Will Define 2024

  • Climate
  • National Climate Action
  • International Climate Action
  • climate policy
  • Food
  • Clean Energy
  • electric grid
  • Cities
  • stories to watch
A family covers their heads with cloth for sun protection while walking near the Ganges river during a heatwave.
  • Climate
  • National Climate Action
  • International Climate Action
  • climate policy
  • Food
  • Clean Energy
  • electric grid
  • Cities
  • stories to watch
A team of workers install solar panels to a roof in California
  • Climate
  • COP28
  • U.S. Climate

Carbon Dioxide Removal Leadership Act of 2024

  • carbon removal
  • carbon removal legislation & policy
U.S. Capitol building
  • carbon removal
  • carbon removal legislation & policy
A man collects tall grass from a crop in Rwanda
  • Food
  • circular economy
  • stories to watch

Biomass Can Fight Climate Change, but Only if You Do it Right

  • carbon removal
  • agriculture
  • Food Loss and Waste
  • data visualization
A farmer examines an ear of corn with a farming machine behind him.
  • carbon removal
  • agriculture
  • Food Loss and Waste
  • data visualization

More Critical Minerals Mining Could Strain Water Supplies in Stressed Regions

  • Freshwater
  • water pollution
  • water quality
  • Water Quality
Workers extracting lithium in Bolivia.
  • Freshwater
  • water pollution
  • water quality
  • Water Quality

RELEASE: Landscape Restoration Champions Across Africa Receive USD 17.8 Million in Financing from TerraFund for AFR100

  • Forest and Landscape Restoration
  • restoration
  • nature-based solutions
  • Forest and Landscape Restoration
  • restoration
  • nature-based solutions

TerraFund Financed 100 Land Restoration Projects Across Africa. Here’s What They Taught Us.

  • Forests
  • restoration
  • Forest and Landscape Restoration
Six members of the Kula Project stand together in a forest in Rwanda.
  • Forests
  • restoration
  • Forest and Landscape Restoration
School bus depot.

5 Significant Moments Driving Environmental Justice in the US

  • U.S. Climate Policy-Equity
  • environmental justice
President Biden, surrounded by people, holds an executive order on environmental justice.
  • U.S. Climate Policy-Equity
  • environmental justice