Weinstein Co. Exploring Sale or Shutdown - WSJ
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Weinstein Co. Exploring Sale or Shutdown

Interested buyers have approached studio’s board

Facebook COO and LeanIn.Org founder Sheryl Sandberg called on colleagues to speak up against sexual harassment, adding that there needs to be consequences for those who tolerate it. Photo: The Wall Street Journal

Weinstein Co. is exploring a sale or shutdown and is unlikely to continue as an independent entity, a person close to the company said.

The film and television studio’s board of directors and other people close to the company have been approached by possible buyers, people with knowledge of the talks said.

The talks come as Weinstein Co. mulls how to move forward after firing co-chairman Harvey Weinstein Sunday amid more than a dozen accusations against him of sexual assault and harassment.

The board had previously been considering appointing co-chairman Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein’s brother, and President David Glasser to lead Weinstein Co. under a new name. That plan is no longer on the table, according to the person with knowledge of the potential sale.

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