Half of AI Projects Fail — See How to Succeed.

A Lenders' Roadmap to AI Adoption

Zest AI Resources

Due to COVID-19 scrambling the consumer credit picture, lenders are adopting new technology to more effectively assess credit and loan eligibility.  However, with AI project failure rates nearing 50%, the need for a proven roadmap is critical. This guide provides a step by step approach and best practices from lenders who have moved to AI-powered underwriting to gain a more holistic picture of consumers and make better and faster decisions.

You will learn how to:

  • Select the right goals and metrics to establish ROI
  • Communicate AI’s impact to stakeholders (executives, compliance, underwriting, modeling, regulatory, and IT)
  • Choose a path to AI Adoption (buy vs. build)
  • Execute your AI strategy (project timelines, data considerations, and more)
  • Optimize your AI investment