Engagement & Belonging - Careers
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Engagement & Belonging

We strongly believe that creating a workforce that’s representative of our communities enhances our culture and is key to our success as a company.

Accountability Matters

We recognize that the first step in creating a more equitable workplace is to understand where we are on the journey. We aim to be as transparent as possible and hold ourselves accountable for maintaining a culture where employees are empowered and enabled to be change agents in building a strong community where all are included, valued and able to thrive in their careers.

Pay equity by gender & ethnicity

As we continue to strive for equity and belonging, we will maintain and grow key programs and advance our commitment to pay equity. The 2022 survey shows that white and Latinx women and Black and Latinx men at Zillow make $0.99 compared to $1.00 by white men. Black women earn $0.98 to that dollar, while Asian women and men on average made $1.01. The full report will be available in April 2023.

Flexible work is opening doors

As a result of our flexible work location policy, we’ve seen a record number of people apply to work at Zillow. In 2022 we saw four times as many applicants per job posting than in 2019. That includes more women, at 48.2%, up from 41.6%, as well as more geographically dispersed applicants; candidates applied from more than 11,000 ZIP codes versus 7,084 for the first half of 2019. We’re broadening our talent pool, reaching communities across the country and opening opportunities to people who wouldn’t have been able to apply based on geography, in order to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

We support the causes You care about

Donation Matching

Zillow provides resources and incentives to support and encourage employees to give back in their communities. We continue to offer a donation-matching program that matches any employee donation of up to $250 per year to qualifying nonprofit organizations, and in 2021, we introduced payroll deductions to make giving as easy as possible for our employees. In 2021, employees donated a total of $188,438 to support 657 nonprofits, with more than a 50% engagement rate on our giving/volunteering platform.

Volunteer Time Off

We offer employees an annual benefit of eight hours of volunteer time off (VTO) and a dollars-for-doers program for employees who would prefer to donate their time to support causes important to them and their communities. In 2021, employees volunteered 1,209 hours in support of local nonprofit organizations. In addition to these volunteer hours, we also sponsored 24 employee-led giving and volunteering campaigns throughout the year, with joint support from the Social Impact and Engagement & Belonging teams.

2023 Engagement & Belonging Annual Report

Reinventing an industry historically rife with racism and inequality challenges us to first do the work within our own walls, so that we can take this important work out to our communities and to everyone our business touches.

Zillow’s commitments to advancing Engagement & Belonging

Each year, we strive to increase transparency regarding our employee gender, ethnicity representation and pay equity data. The data reveals progress — and that we need to do more.


Increase representation of women and BIPOC talent in leadership roles.

Pay Equity

Continue to ensure that all employees in similar roles and with similar qualifications are paid equitably regardless of their identity.


Ensure that our company and business operations represent the demographics of all the available markets in which we do business.


Deepen our focus on Engagement & Belonging with specific attention to advancing anti-discrimination and anti-bias training and programs for our people managers and employees; creating better internal programs to assist in career development; and meeting the needs of our distributed workforce.


Increase retention of underrepresented employees so that there is no significant gap between demographics in the turnover or promotion rate.

Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) at Zillow support our commitment to creating an equitable workplace for all. These employee-led resource groups create spaces to share common interests, build trust and develop relationships, while also creating leadership and professional development opportunities for members. They are open to any employee who supports the group’s initiatives as a self-identified member or an ally.

Today, more than 41% of Zillow employees belong to one or more of our ERGs, which include the Asian Pacific Islander Network, Black/African Ancestry Network, Able and Differing Abilities Network, Latinx/Hispanic Network, LGBTQ+ Network, ZG Over 40 Network, Veterans Network, Women’s Impact Network and Indigenous Peoples Network.


Our community interest groups — one focused on parents and caregivers, and another on environmental sustainability — provide spaces where employees feel they belong, where they can share ideas and resources, and where they can come together to drive positive social change on a particular cause, focus or experience regarding issues that impact our world.

More opportunities to show up


We host cultural events to give employees a chance to connect with each other and with our local communities. These events include donation drives, well-being experiences, celebrations of identity, cultural activities and more.

Virtual Dialogues

We provide monthly opportunities for employees to come together in a supportive and facilitated space to discuss and explore topics of social identity, equity and belonging.

Speaker Series Program

To explore ways we can create solutions for a more equitable world as individuals and as a company, we bring in thought leaders to speak about topics related to leadership, current events, social impact, philanthropy, anti-racism and anti-discrimination.

We see a future where real estate is inclusive

There is a long history of systemic racism in real estate in the United States. For many Americans, housing discrimination is a fact of life. Housing segregation by race and national origin, driven by systemic barriers such as redlining, has put countless individuals and groups in our society at a disadvantage for finding the safety and stability of home. That segregation continues today. At Zillow, our mission is to give people the power to unlock life’s next chapter. We believe that we have an opportunity to use our platform and resources to enable fair and equitable housing access for all individuals.

Identified areas of focus to make real estate more equitable in the years to come:

Housing Security

Expanding access to fair, equitable and affordable rental housing.

Economic Opportunity

Creating more equitable pathways to generational wealth through homeownership.

Equitable Industry

Building a more diverse and equitable industry that works for all through people and technology.

We are proud of what we accomplished in 2021, but we recognize that our work doesn’t end here. Broadening perceptions, breaking biases, and creating values, policies and programs that drive a more equal workplace remain priorities as we enter the next year and beyond.

Social Responsibility

The year marked the establishment of a Corporate Social Responsibility function that oversees our environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies.


At Zillow, we partner with organizations that are committed to providing resources and opportunities to underrepresented communities. We believe in driving meaningful change through intentional partnerships. We listen to, walk alongside and provide financial support to partners in our communities whose work aligns with our social impact mission to increase housing security, economic opportunity and equitable industry.

ColorComm Women of Color in Communications
Billiant Black Minds
Latinas in Tech
Women in Sales

Zillow Group is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities. If you have a disability and require a reasonable accommodation related to applying for employment at our company, please contact us.